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Love Marmite, hate The BNP

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Just thought I'd have a little search in the name Joseh Warner who apparently runs the blog you linked to. It appears it's a false name and the individual concerned is noted to be on the internet morning, noon and night.

There is a spammer on twitter who goes by the name votenotobnp he has managed over 3,200 spam tweets since December, He is paying to use heart Internet, I guess at £10 for a domain name and £2.49 a month you can put up a lot of rubbish.

Sounds just like you. :hihi:


But what about the person who is doing this, I guess using the name Joseph Warner is much like me using John Smith on facebook. We live in violent times, and although him and his kind would not admit it. You only have to look at the violence outside BBC television centre. When the Anti BNP terrorists want rid of something they kick and scream like banshees.


He never seems to be off the net. Is he one of the great unwashed who would be better served to get a job? Or is that why he is so anti BNP? He wants Labour to stay in power so they can keep his benefits in place. Or is he getting paid to do what he does?


I throw the question out to you all. Just who is Joseph Warner?



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What a load of complete and utter b*ll*cks, who on earth told you that?


Provide links to back it up!


I witnessed the bullying and as you well know both forums have been taken down now because of the racist spammers.


My those times were fun, the intricacies of holocaust denial, Jewish world Govt. conspiracies, and finding the forums spammed with every story the BNP or far right were promoting at the time.


There is a mention of what happened here:



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Just thought I'd have a little search in the name Joseh Warner who apparently runs the blog you linked to. It appears it's a false name and the individual concerned is noted to be on the internet morning, noon and night.

There is a spammer on twitter who goes by the name votenotobnp he has managed over 3,200 spam tweets since December, He is paying to use heart Internet, I guess at £10 for a domain name and £2.49 a month you can put up a lot of rubbish.

Sounds just like you. :hihi:


But what about the person who is doing this, I guess using the name Joseph Warner is much like me using John Smith on facebook. We live in violent times, and although him and his kind would not admit it. You only have to look at the violence outside BBC television centre. When the Anti BNP terrorists want rid of something they kick and scream like banshees.


He never seems to be off the net. Is he one of the great unwashed who would be better served to get a job? Or is that why he is so anti BNP? He wants Labour to stay in power so they can keep his benefits in place. Or is he getting paid to do what he does?


I throw the question out to you all. Just who is Joseph Warner?




I'm not sure I understand, would the great unwashed be better off themselves by getting a job, each, obviously, or are you saying they should all be employed as waiters, or some similar "serving" job?

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I witnessed the bullying and as you well know both forums have been taken down now because of the racist spammers.


There was no bullying unless you include indiscriminate banning and the sites weren't taken down for any such reason. One was taken down due to people like yourself hacking the forum so that Pro BNP supporters were unable to post there and the other becuse people like you were constantly bombarding the moderators with requests to shut it down.


Let's face it if people like you had their way anyone pro BNP wouldn't be allowed to post on any forum, so it's hardly spam is it?



My those times were fun, the intricacies of holocaust denial, Jewish world Govt. conspiracies, and finding the forums spammed with every story the BNP or far right were promoting at the time.



Your speciality subjects aren't they but unfortunately for you they tend to exist more inside your head than high on the agenda of normal everyday people.





As yes Miriam Binder the Jewish Lady who held sway over the Brighton Forum and anyone she wanted banned was. She was very pro-immigration for the Uk but not so when it came to her beloved Israel.


She started another forum and took her minions with her when the older Brighton forum stopped. Happily playing Queen Bee she finally gave it up when her pals turned on her when Israel started bombing innoncent people on the Gaza Strip. The forum is happily chugging away without her and her bullying methods are nowhere to be seen.



ps links to the fallout on Stromfront and this KKK forum please or are you going to weasel your way out of that one?

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There was no bullying unless you include indiscriminate banning and the sites weren't taken down for any such reason. One was taken down due to people like yourself hacking the forum so that Pro BNP supporters were unable to post there and the other becuse people like you were constantly bombarding the moderators with requests to shut it down.


You don't think smashing Miriam's windows is bullying?


Lol hacking the forum so pro-bnpers couldn't post there.... what kind of hack is that lol.... you bought that story hook line and sinker. :hihi:


Let's face it if people like you had their way anyone pro BNP wouldn't be allowed to post on any forum, so it's hardly spam is it?


It is spam when every day when there are 10 or so stories being circulated from BNP blogs all appear on the same forum and anyone arguing against them gets rounded on and insulted. The forum became a cesspit because of the activities of the far right.


Your speciality subjects aren't they but unfortunately for you they tend to exist more inside your head than high on the agenda of normal everyday people.


They only became speciality subjects because they kept bringing them up and their lies and half truths needed to be countered.


Do you think the holocaust happened? or do you think it did, but that they should have done a better job of it? The far right seem to fluctuate between the two positions pretty smoothly.


As yes Miriam Binder the Jewish Lady who held sway over the Brighton Forum and anyone she wanted banned was. She was very pro-immigration for the Uk but not so when it came to her beloved Israel.


She started another forum and took her minions with her when the older Brighton forum stopped. Happily playing Queen Bee she finally gave it up when her pals turned on her when Israel started bombing innoncent people on the Gaza Strip. The forum is happily chugging away without her and her bullying methods are nowhere to be seen.


Wherever you get our information from it doesn't correspond with the facts.


Did you post on there? if so what username did you use?


ps links to the fallout on Stromfront and this KKK forum please or are you going to weasel your way out of that one?


The link I gave gives a screen shot of a Stormfront post... the forum run by David Duke of the KKK.

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To remind people, this is what Simon Bennett put on the BNP website yeterday:


The services to this website have been suspended.


It is with regret that I have been forced to pull this website due to several attempts of theft today with regards to design work and content owned by myself. It is no secret that I have been in dispute with some elements of the management of the party for sometime now, but had hoped to resolve these issues ammicably and AFTER the elections. However, due to several attempts to steal my work today and combined with the recent deliberate copyright infringement I feel I have been left with no alternative to this action and feel wholly justified in doing so.


If Arthur Kemp, Jim Dowson or anyone else issue any more threats of violence against myself or my family I will contact the police immediately.


The background of my dispute with the party can be read here:




This is what he put on his blog:


Marmite-Gate: The Truth behind the Spin.


This will do doubt come as a shock to many of those that read this, particularly those who really don’t want to hear it. However, I have a duty to the members and my conscience, but most of all – to my wife and children to tell the truth behind the spin. The timing of this is also a tragic shame, but I had no say in this matter, its planning, execution or its timing, as you will soon see. So please don’t fall for the old “He must be a red, planted to mess up the election” chestnut. If anyone sabotaged this election, it was Jim Dowson.


Judge that for yourselves by reading on…


This whole thing was a very deliberate copyright infringement designed to create publicity and a fund raising opportunity. What’s worse, is that I believe I was deliberately put in the frame and left to carry the responsibility whilst those that were responsible went to ground for four days leaving me to stew in my own fear and uncertainty.


The publicity Nick and Jim were (and still are) hoping for means nothing. What IS important is the NETT BENEFIT of that publicity, and I can show that the nett benefit was next to nothing. The website traffic hardly increased at all, the online donations and membership applications remained almost non-existent and the real broadcast bought no more traffic to the website than the 2009 EU broadcast. In actual fact, the most successful publicity the party has had in my time was without question – Question Time.


Jim Dowson and Nick Griffin will have you believe that this stunt and the repercussions were all finely tuned, worked out and that everything was all under control. The truth is that they had no idea of the severity of the situation. I was served the injunction as a named defendant and the case against me for copyright infringement appeared cut and dry. If I failed to comply with the injunction I could have faced prison. Even if I complied with the injunction I was facing a massive fine and all the legal costs and associated court fees.


The only legal representation provided to me was from the party’s legal advisor on the day she realised things had gone wrong, and she was in a state of panic advising me only to deny everything. Unilever’s own lawyers make reference to how panicky and stressed she was. The case against Nick was “as a representative of the party” and Nick often brags that he has no assets in his own name to be sued for. Also, the BNP is an ‘Unincorporated Association, so to my knowledge, those facing the financial costs were myself directly and / or the party members.


Furthermore, in the judge’s transcript it is stated that the case against me personally is solid as the broadcast was posted under my name.


Nick Griffin and Jim Dowson deliberately set out to pick this fight with Unilever – not me. I advised strongly against it. Nick proceeded to goad Unilever into action when Unilever wanted a quick settlement and seemed happy with an undertaking not to do it again. That wasn’t enough for Nick, he wanted a public fight and a media circus (one that I was never given a choice in). I did not want to run the gauntlet of TV cameras and publicity for the sake of my children and wife, but I was never consulted or asked. It was the “Nick Griffin Show” – fighting the evil capitalist empire single handed in order to save the nation on our behalf, and he was not passing up the opportunity of more publicity and victimhood status. He picked this fight, not me, and certainly not Unilever.


The problem is that you will pay for it now, as could I, if not with my liberty, freedom or possible bankruptcy, but now certainly with my position as your webmaster. What a result this fight has achieved! A bloody disaster. But then it had disaster written all over it from the outset, but the £120,000 p.a. ‘Industry Expert’ knew better.


By now, Unilever’s lawyers had their teeth in and they were not going to let go. The excuse Jim Dowson gave for this whole sorry affair was that “a third party joker” had uploaded the video, yet this was clearly contradicted by Nick and Jim Dowson in the evidence Unilever’s lawyers had obtained for themselves via conversations from Nick and Jim.


Essentially, I was up the proverbial creek and expected by our Chairman and Jim “The Industry Expert” Dowson to go to court and lie through my teeth in order to bail them out of a ridiculous hole they had dug themselves into. I had warned them not to proceed, but both were insistent that this is a brilliant publicity stunt deliberately designed to create publicity (and ultimately generate funds) as was proven by the immediate fund raising appeal sent out that day. They were under the impression that it would be a breeze and that Unilever’s lawyers would issue an injunction and writ for copyright infringement and then immediately back off once Nick threatened to eat a jar of Marmite on live TV. How pathetic and desperate. Perhaps if the whole thing was done legally and executed by real experts and not Laurel and Hardy, it may have worked to our political advantage.


After a weekend of worrying myself sick, with my wife in bits and to use Nick’s own words – Unilever’s lawyers crawling all over ME like a rash, I took the only sensible and legal option available. To tell the truth. I was not prepared to spend five years in prison for perjury just to protect the financial interests of fools. To be honest, the truth is long overdue anyway as there are a shocking amount of highly questionable shenanigans going on at BNP HQ including threats of violence against good people such as myself and the loss of jobs / contracts /positions if we don’t ‘Play ball’.


In short, with one of the idiots responsible for this expensive little caper laying low and sunning himself in Spain with the £120,000+ per year he is paid from your donations to pull stunts like this, and with the others laying low, I decided to protect myself and family and not carry the can for their sheer greed and incompetence or rely on their incompetent advice or inabilities, so I told Unilever’s lawyers the truth. Lying to the Royal High Courts of Justice was never an option for me.


Jim Dowson constantly makes references to his Loyalist ‘connections’ and ‘Irish murder gangs’ in the hope of intimidating people and just about everyone bar me is terrified of him and lives in fear of losing their income if they cross him or do not ‘put up and shut up’ or turn a blind eye and deaf ear.


Unfortunately for him, I can earn more money outside of the party which renders that particular threat null and void. The physical threats of violence also back-fired on him as I refused to be intimidated, as did the bribes of ‘a slice of the pie’. Jim Dowson now controls just about every aspect of the party structure (including the recently acquired print services) and also the party’s finances with one exception. You’ve guessed it – the website!


Jim has been at loggerheads with me for over a year and has tried every trick in the book to gain control of the website so he can bolt it onto his spam-machine without any idea of how websites work. I have always been against it as I feel it should be first and foremost a political tool, not a money making machine.


He has tried undermining it with his call centre staff informing callers not to donate or join online as the website was insecure and that their £100,000 telephone system was the only secure way to join or donate. He tried bribery and Nick also tried to convince me that I’d be better protected legally from copyright infringements if the website was made into a limited company. When presented with the financial implications and costs and also the lack of protection it actually offered and further presented with the idea of not infringing copyrights in the first place, he backed down.


So, here we are today…


A deliberate copyright infringement mysteriously posted IN MY NAME! Wow, isn’t that a coincidence? On Tuesday this week (27th) I had Nick on my case again insisting that in order to properly ‘protect me’ in future he and Jim will set the website up as a limited company after the election and I should remain just a little anonymous monkey in the background doing all the monkey work whilst they take the very noble burden of risk (and potential profit of course). Naturally, after this scare I’m bound to agree, surely?


Just imagine it… All your web donations and membership fees not just now being carved up in commission between Paul Golding, Jim Dowson, Jenny Griffin and possibly several others, all of whom do virtually or absolutely nothing to generate the funds, but now you may well have to pay legal fees, chartered accountancy fees, salaries and possibly vehicle costs, travel, stationery and no-end of other ‘legitimate’ Ltd. Company’s business expenditure!


Here’s a better idea. Stop acting like amateurs and stop blatantly breaking the law for financial gain with no political advancement. That way I could continue to develop the website at the minimal fee I charge, and apart from every man and his dog taking a ’slice of the pie’, the rest at least goes directly to its intended destination. Furthermore, the website can be developed freely by a decent, honest and experienced web developer and not under the control and dictatorship of a catering-salesman with as much experience in web development as I have in rocket science!


You’re the members and this is YOUR party, YOUR website and I worked for YOU, not Nick, not Jim, not Gerry Gable, not MI5, CI5, MFI or anyone else . Let the smear stories commence. This will probably all be blamed on me being a red, a mole, a spy, a state asset, or work-overload, lack of vitamins, health, state of mind, paranoia, poor diet or just plain old mental instability. Please, let me assure you all that I am none of the above or suffering from any of the above quoted inflictions. If I was it must be highly contagious, as this party has lost so many good people for the above afflictions. Funny that isn’t it? It’s always everyone else being a mole that’s the problem- never Nick’s own incompetence!


Jim Dowson has a history of copyright infringement and is not by any means an “industry expert” in any field whatsoever that I can find, as can be seen by googling his name or the Pro Life League or Precious Life UK. His only industry experience is as a ‘catering salesman’. Many other marketing and fund-raising business ventures he has been involved in have ended up dissolved without ever filing accounts. With a history like that, it doesn’t bode well for the future of the party really. Many of his wild claims of success can be proven as bare faced lies. He has a severe habit of exaggerating figures and then contradicting himself later on. His incompetence is almost as astounding as his arrogance. This I’m afraid to say, is the man in whom our Chairman has invested the future of our party and hopes for our country.


I tried to raise my concerns about Jim Dowson, his past and his continual bad practices and mistakes with the Chairman over a year ago. Myself, Peter Mullins and Mike Howson were subjected to what was a court style hearing in which we were told in no uncertain terms to mind our own business and if anyone picks a fight with Jim they pick a fight with him (Nick Griffin). Unfortunately, the fight was already well under way. Mike Howson, it should be pointed out, has stated since that his “guts turned to water” that day. He has been Jim Dowson’s poodle ever since and with the exception of myself, just about anyone who has ever dared to cross swords with Jim have been removed from their positions, sacked or expelled. We cannot afford to lose any more good quality people only to be replaced by buffoons, morons, yes-men or those too afraid to stand up for what is right and proper.


Both Nick and Jim (and a few other gullible fools) will continuously point to the massive success and growth of the party over the “Dowson Era”, but you need to look a little closer and analyse this claim or even break it down completely. Firstly, to make such a claim is a complete smack in the face for all the decent and honest activists and members that have worked their fingers to the bone and walked the streets until their feet were blistered. It also suggests that my work over the last two and half years, and our army of blogger’s efforts have provided little or no gain.


The simple fact is this; In the current political climate, and with mainstream parties in disarray over immigration, the expenses scandal, global warming scams, economic disaster and a new influx of members from a new and fresh professional website with no-end of social networking you could rightly expect natural rapid growth. The growth to which Jim refers has very little, if anything to do with anything he has implemented whatsoever. All Jim has done is arrive in the right place at the right time and spot an opportunity to fleece money from good people by preying on their hopes and fears. Let’s be honest here, a trained monkey could write a more professional fund raising appeal than the current “1980 Readers Digest” style begging letter we currently all have to cringe over and suffer.


Then we need to question where the money raised is being spent or invested. The vast majority of the “Admin Infrastructure” to which Jim claims to have expertly set-up is nothing more than a basic requirement to any business or organisation and one of which almost anyone with half a brain or business experience would recognise and implement easily, cost effectively and securely. The current way in which this infrastructure is organised relies on and is driven by financial gain, greed and a competitive commission based environment. Just the sort of environment I would expect from any sales-based organisation. This party is now being driven by money – not politics or ideology. This is fundamentally wrong and will prove to be our failure. Of course we need funds to survive, but when our motivations, aspirations and hopes are driven by or dictated by finances, then we are on a collision course with failure.


In the “Real World” of business, turnover means nothing, what matters is profit. Profit stems growth, product development, training and staff development. Ten million pounds of turnover is worthless if our expenditure is eleven million, as are all the offices Jim cares to open in order to impress the sheeple. Jim constantly crows about how much money we turn over, yet fails to address the profit margin, where that profit (which does not exist) is spent, and where it is invested. We are told and expected to believe that all the party finances are funnelled through Jim’s shady business as no-one will deal with the party. This is a nonsense and nothing more than a smokescreen designed to stop inquisitive people questioning or looking deeper into the whole set-up.

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If Nick thinks he has secured any party assets or property that has been purchased and held in the name of Jim Dowson’s Adlorries Ltd by appointing his daughter as a director, then I am sorry to point out that he may just have had the wool well and truly pulled over his eyes. Jenny is a director indeed, but has no share capital whatsoever and therefore has no claim to the company’s assets, finances or profits.


This party needs a clean-up if it is EVER to be taken seriously as a political force. I’ve started the ball rolling, it is now in the hands of the good, honest members that have the courage to face up to the facts and reality of what we are faced with. It is also up to the senior members and Advisory Council to stand up and be counted. Failure to face these issues now – and head on, will result in colossal and terminal failure. It is also in the hands of Nick Griffin to do the right thing and allow this party to develop on a solid base built on integrity, skill and transparency.


I think I can assume the Chairman will no longer be requiring my services, so all that is left for me to say is that it has been an absolute honour and a pleasure working with and for the decent and honest members, but an absolute chore, no, nightmare, working with Nick Griffin and Jim Dowson.


Coming Soon on http://www.SimonBennett.co.uk / Twitter & Facebook:


* Jim Dowson and the £10,000 party laptops – you paid for – (£3,499 RRP) – that were also available for free with a mobile phone dongle!

* The website donation thermometer appeal for the £22k Truth Truck (book value £8k) that actually raised over £80k.

* The website DDoS attack that become ‘The World’s Biggest Cyber Attack known to the Universe’ and which needed more industry experts than NASA to resolve. Funded to the tune of £ thousands by the members. Actual cost: £750 to a 19 year old genius that lives at home with his parents!

* Jim Dowson’s fixation with and history of infringing copyrights and breaking the data protections act.

* The Jim Dowson £21,000 ’state of the art’ database system paid for by you. Also available from PC World for £156 inc VAT. Superior and FREE database systems were offered by me but were rejected for no logical reasons.

* The phone bugging, spyware software, key loggers and paranoia that infects the leadership.

* and lots, LOTS more…


Everything I claim in this post can be supported by evidence. I leave you with these tasters to bring you up to speed with Jim “The Industry Expert” Dowson;

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You don't think smashing Miriam's windows is bullying?


That has nothing to do with any BNP forum member and from what i can recall problems on the estate she lived.


Seems to me she is the sort of person who not eventually alienated herself on the forum but she did it in real life as well.



Lol hacking the forum so pro-bnpers couldn't post there.... what kind of hack is that lol.... you bought that story hook line and sinker. :hihi:


I witnessed it happening so no I didn't buy into any story, I saw it with my own eyes. Any thread that was pro BNP had large amounts of data posted into them which would cause server timeouts when anyone tried to open the threads.


That type hack fool. :loopy:




It is spam when every day when there are 10 or so stories being circulated from BNP blogs all appear on the same forum and anyone arguing against them gets rounded on and insulted. The forum became a cesspit because of the activities of the far right.



Not the case at all, there were maybe one or two posts that people would argue on and blogs barely existed in those days. Anyone who was pro BNP was banned on a regular basis for example just discussing immigration which funnily enough was the main topic. The forum was fine until along came you the internet Warrior, Denise Garside, Tosofoski and idiot Atreus.


Anyone who appeared to have any leanings towards the BNP was at some point banned.



They only became speciality subjects because they kept bringing them up and their lies and half truths needed to be countered.



People like you would bring them up in reference to Nick Griffin for example. It's what you still do when given the opportunity. Don't you?



Do you think the holocaust happened? or do you think it did, but that they should have done a better job of it? The far right seem to fluctuate between the two positions pretty smoothly.



I haven't got any opinion on it one way or the other just like most people. It only gets mentioned by the likes of you in an attempt to kid people into thinking the BNP would gas jews which is complete nonesense and best left with the type of person who has mental health issues.



Wherever you get our information from it doesn't correspond with the facts.


Did you post on there? if so what username did you use on there?


I was there and I witnessed it for myself, you on the other hand have provided nothing that is based on any evidence. Posting to Miriam Binder's own blog doesn't offer anything and I would suggest searching the phrase "Miriam Binder complaints" to see what sort of person she is but the evidence has gone now to show she used to run that forum as if it was her own. The local paper who ran the forum were scared of her but now she doesn't post at all or update her blog.


Good riddance to bad rubbish I say.





The link I gave gives a screen shot of a Stormfront post... the forum run by David Duke of the KKK.


That still doesn't provide us with the prove that you said was available.

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