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Love Marmite, hate The BNP

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That has nothing to do with any BNP forum member and from what i can recall problems on the estate she lived.


Seems to me she is the sort of person who not eventually alienated herself on the forum but she did it in real life as well.


I witnessed it happening so no I didn't buy into any story, I saw it with my own eyes. Any thread that was pro BNP had large amounts of data posted into them which would cause server timeouts when anyone tried to open the threads.


That type hack fool. :loopy:


Not the case at all, there were maybe one or two posts that people would argue on and blogs barely existed in those days. Anyone who was pro BNP was banned on a regular basis for example just discussing immigration which funnily enough was the main topic. The forum was fine until along came you the internet Warrior, Denise Garside, Tosofoski and idiot Atreus.


Anyone who appeared to have any leanings towards the BNP was at some point banned.


People like you would bring them up in reference to Nick Griffin for example. It's what you still do when given the opportunity. Don't you?


I haven't got any opinion on it one way or the other just like most people. It only gets mentioned by the likes of you in an attempt to kid people into thinking the BNP would gas jews which is complete nonesense and best left with the type of person who has mental health issues.


I was there and I witnessed it for myself, you on the other hand have provided nothing that is based on any evidence. Posting to Miriam Binder's own blog doesn't offer anything and I would suggest searching the phrase "Miriam Binder complaints" to see what sort of person she is but the evidence has gone now to show she used to run that forum as if it was her own. The local paper who ran the forum were scared of her but now she doesn't post at all or update her blog.


Good riddance to bad rubbish I say.


That still doesn't provide us with the prove that you said was available.


Lies and half truths.


So what username did you post under? Were you Phoenix? Byron Boy? Mr Contrite? Fran? Hitler? Jodan? Axon? Fredx?

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OK you think it's lies and half truths, so which is which and what name did you post under?


I posted as RWildcat, I followed Mr Contrite there since he was posting here so much, he left this forum alone soon after, I guess because he could no longer keep up the pretence of being a moderate..


Phoenix and Jodan\Mr Contrite were the main spammers. Fran was the one that would get it around to Jew hating and blaming Jews for the holocaust or saying it didn't happen. He also had a semi intelligent poodle that followed him around posting inane racist garbage called Springfresher... Were you Springfresher?

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I posted as RWildcat, I followed Mr Contrite there since he was posting here so much, he left this forum alone soon after, I guess because he could no longer keep up the pretence of being a moderate..


Mr Contrite stopped posting after the BNP membership list was posted online. I assume he was concerned with the threats he was receiving from your comrades after his name was released.

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Mr Contrite stopped posting after the BNP membership list was posted online. I assume he was concerned with the threats he was receiving from your comrades after his name was released.


I didn't think to look him up on the list... Are you saying his surname really was Contrite......:hihi:

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Do you mean the list you claimed you never had?


I don't recall making a claim either way.


I remember the google maps overlay thing from around that time, I could have searched for a Mr Contrite on that had I any interest.


That was another example of Senior BNP people falling out big style with Nick Griffin's corruption, wasn't it. The party really has been a farce now for sometime.

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Here is a report of another dissatisfied BNP member:


"What I found was a party dominated by thugs who were still obsessed by race - and Griffin was the worst of the lot.


"The British National Party is a shambles and Griffin is telling lies to voters when he says he has the answers to their problems."



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