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Love Marmite, hate The BNP

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Yes but Streamlines believes what he wants to believe


Which is a mortal sin in your eyes I guess, groupthink being one of the commandments for the cleansed ones.


Some would call it the herd instinct. :hihi:


and goes "LA LA LA CAN'T HEAR YOU!" about everything else. He'll likely bung a couple of pages of off-topic nonsense on to this thread as usual.


Whereas usual you act like a saint. ACT being the vital word here,

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Oh dear, they are forever getting told off for misusing things in their advertising and imagery.


They like to use Winston Churchill's image, which Churchill's family denouce as monstrous: "They were a generous generation. They weren’t a mean-spirited generation. It is deeply offensive to his family and if the law were different we would take steps to stop it. To suggest that he would have supported something as wicked as the BNP is beyond the pale"


They like to use the poppy image to try and associate themselves with WW2 heros. The British Legion has told them to "just stop it".


They published a leaflet with people's photos and the caption "Why we're all voting BNP". It was lies - none of the people were voting BNP. They were angry their photos were taken from stock image libraries and misused in this way.


Here's an idea for a truthful BNP advert. Nick Griffin is friends with the Ku Klux Klan chief. He says Griffin is "doing a great job". So why don't they do a huge election poster with them wearing the white pointy head uniforms and waving their guns and bombs?



One good thing about the BNP is how they succeed in uniting the majority of the population. Wouldn't it make a great festival to celebrate St George's Day, gathering together all the institutions and people who don't want to be associated with them? It cuts across all other barriers and disagreements, leaving only a rump of the stupid and the pathological. In a way they perform a useful service. :hihi:

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Mayonnaise? Disgusting foreign muck. Surely you all mean Salad Cream - it's a great way of making vegetables more palatable.


As is the BNP manifesto


Boom Tish


I set em up, you knock em down....


Ahh fantastic!!! The oldies are the goodies


I've half a mind to vote BNP myself. Well, I've been told that's all you need... lol

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It turns out Unilever made spoof adverts involving the BNP so what goes around comes around, however it looks like the Unilever spokesperson was telling fibs.


As ususal certain individuals get their knickers in a twist.



Come on now,stop telling the truth,you know it doesnt fit in with the media image of the BNP.:loopy:

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Come on now,stop telling the truth,you know it doesnt fit in with the media image of the BNP.:loopy:



I think most rational and sensible people know what the BNP are...doesn't take a Marmite add to figure that one out...I mean, let's get real huh?

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