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Vote Labour and be forced to buy an ID card

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If it helps keep this countries resources for the people who have paid into it, then I think it will be worth the vote.


We already do, it’s called your national insurance card/Number. Why not just stick a photo on this card instead of creating the world’s most complicated and extensive biometric ID card.


In a lot of cases, the simplest solutions are the best.

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We already do, it’s called your national insurance card/Number. Why not just stick a photo on this card instead of creating the world’s most complicated and extensive biometric ID card.


In a lot of cases, the simplest solutions are the best.

Because it would be a waiste to have a card with only one lot of info? isn't it sensible to have as much info in one place as possible (or at least so it opens doors to the info) and doest it have to be as secure and un forgable or its would all be a waist of time and money.

The NI cards are out dated and don't meet today's needs or levels of security, it would be better to have a new system with that info incorporated into it

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There are sometimes problems going from the UK into the EU and back again without a passport; travel within the EU, certainly you don't need one.



As for me I think it's a great idea. I have to carry a driving licence, a passport, a bank card, a birth certificate, and who knows what else depending in which particular place I need to prove who I am. I could get rid of the whole lot and just carry one card that works everywhere.


you still need a driving license in order to be allowed to drive, that won't change because you have an ID card

you currently need a passport in order to get an ID card

your birth certificate basically proves someone with your name was born on some date and in some location, there is nothing on it that could identify you so it's use as primary ID is questionable


on the other hand just having the passport which you currently need in order to get an ID card will also allow travel within the EU


so why fork out the extra £30 for an ID card ? the best argument I've heard so far is "because it will fit into a wallet and it's cheaper to replace if it's lost", woop de doo I must rush out and get one immediately then

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you still need a driving license in order to be allowed to drive, that won't change because you have an ID card

you currently need a passport in order to get an ID card

your birth certificate basically proves someone with your name was born on some date and in some location, there is nothing on it that could identify you so it's use as primary ID is questionable


on the other hand just having the passport which you currently need in order to get an ID card will also allow travel within the EU


so why fork out the extra £30 for an ID card ? the best argument I've heard so far is "because it will fit into a wallet and it's cheaper to replace if it's lost", woop de doo I must rush out and get one immediately then

Even things such as driving entitlement could be put into an ID card, or that the card allows access to any data that they want to put on the system.

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Big Brother is watching you, also known as Nu labour. There's nothing they like better than interfering in peoples lives. Worse than the old East Germany.


Slight exaggeration sir if I may be so bold. Having said that, I hate the idea of ID cards and will be more than happy to be part of any civil disobedience campaign that springs up if they come in. Being a subject sucks sometimes.

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Even things such as driving entitlement could be put into an ID card, or that the card allows access to any data that they want to put on the system.


schedule 1 of the ID card act states in the typical imprecise way acts are apparently worded that the NIR may contain

4 (k) any driver number given to him by a driving licence;
see http://www.opsi.gov.uk/acts/acts2006/ukpga_20060015_en_5#sch1


if they are linking to your driving license via the number on it already but haven't announced any plans to merge the two then it's unlikely they will be getting rid of driving licenses in favour of ID cards


apart from anything else it would get rid of a useful revenue stream for the DVLA and give it to UKIPS, two major bits of empire building which wouldn't take kindly to being merged


so yes ID cards could do lots of things but unless it's in the act then they don't, they could make a note of my liking for strawberry blancmange in the NIR but it's not in the act so they don't


the major function of an ID card is to be the front end for the NIR which is a database that will monitor you for the rest of your life and is the main thing defined by the ID card act, with the card getting it's first mention at section 6, then again at section 7 and once more at section 11


pretty much all the other 41 sections are to do with the NIR, maintaining the NIR, and hitting registered people with a big stick should they fail to maintain the NIR accurately with a few provisions for providing expenses for the secretary of state


read it yourself and see what you are signing up for http://www.opsi.gov.uk/acts/acts2006/ukpga_20060015_en_1


but surely its easier to travel round europe with yer passport and ignore getting an id card lol


strangely some people don't see this and are willing to lash out another £30 on top of their passport cost in order to get one, they have more money than sense if you ask me, still it's their money

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Big Brother is watching you, also known as Nu labour. There's nothing they like better than interfering in peoples lives. Worse than the old East Germany.


I'm in two minds about this.


Yes, they do stick their noses in, but why? Because people can't manage themselves. They can't behave on the streets so cameras are installed. They can't drive at speed limits, so cameras are installed. They can't eat or drink responsibly, so steps are taken, like more tax on wines and spirits.

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