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Country in a mess!

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I'm sick of hearing people expressing how much of a mess our country is in. It's usually unemployment, immigration, crime, education etc etc Yes some people are having a hard time because of the global recession and some people are really struggling right now. However isn't the average person overall far better off than in any time in history. The average person has a fairly nice house and a fairly nice car and can usually afford at-least one holiday a year. This can't be said for the average person a few decades back. Why do we insist everything is so bad, things are changing that is for sure, but I think Mr and Mrs average have never had it better.


Anyone agree? (or disagree) It could just be the British way, even when things are good we will convince ourselves they aren't because we like nothing better than a good moan .


Yeah I'm really really grateful and glad we don't live in caves anymore and that I can buy a car instead of having to rely on an old donkey.

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Yeah I'm really really grateful and glad we don't live in caves anymore and that I can buy a car instead of having to rely on an old donkey.


To be fair I was comparing now to slightly more recent times than that, but you are right, the further back you go the worse it gets.

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Exactly. Oh for the good old days of being at war and going to bed every night terrified of your house being bombed and your whole family being killed!


No NHS, infectious diseases and butchers that doubled as dentists. Yes, I miss the good old days.

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I think SF attracts moaners...prob something to do with a lack of umph in their lives.


As has been said...we do have it pretty good, even at the bottom compared to some.


Once a moaner always a moaner...even if they have it pretty good.

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Exactly. Oh for the good old days of being at war and going to bed every night terrified of your house being bombed and your whole family being killed!


I think you'll find many on here who still feel like that..:hihi:

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The "average" person in this country has every right to moan. If you go to work, pay your taxes, bring up a family, have your own house/car etc you are penalised, with tax, NI, health bills, transport costs, costs of sending your kids to school etc Whereas the lazy bone idle lay abouts who don't work usually because they won't work get all this paid for.


You either have to be bone idle and not work in this country or have so much money that bills etc don't affect you. Being average in this country is no longer the best option.


I understand your point though cynic, things are better on the whole for people nowadays than they used to be but the balance needs to shift in favour of the hard working people who are of benefit to the country rather than the people who think we owe them a living.



You know that concentrating on the negative all the time actually makes you feel even unhappier? If you put it all in perspective and be grateful for how lucky you are in the grand scheme of things, it makes the good moments better and the bad stuff more likely to be dealt with in a constructive way.


You can't change everything but you can learn to be philosophical about it.

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I'm sick of hearing people expressing how much of a mess our country is in. It's usually unemployment, immigration, crime, education etc etc Yes some people are having a hard time because of the global recession and some people are really struggling right now. However isn't the average person overall far better off than in any time in history. The average person has a fairly nice house and a fairly nice car and can usually afford at-least one holiday a year. This can't be said for the average person a few decades back. Why do we insist everything is so bad, things are changing that is for sure, but I think Mr and Mrs average have never had it better.


Anyone agree? (or disagree) It could just be the British way, even when things are good we will convince ourselves they aren't because we like nothing better than a good moan .





Exactly. Oh for the good old days of being at war and going to bed every night terrified of your house being bombed and your whole family being killed!


Well, Gordon, those good old days may be just around the corner my old cocker and mostly and mainly because of the blind, blinkered and selfish attitudes of chumps,sorry, chums, like Cynic.


Pitiful people here? I must warn the others.


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Yes I agree, some people have short memories about the past, although memories could be mixed good and bad, but the good out weight the bad as far as every day living goes now.


We expect too much in this modern world. People want to work for £20 an hour, drive around in flash cars and live in big houses.


Reality isn't like that, and i'm sure the flash car and big houses would soon wear off after the first year.

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Exactly. Oh for the good old days of being at war and going to bed every night terrified of your house being bombed and your whole family being killed!


Well, Gordon, those good old days may be just around the corner my old cocker and mostly and mainly because of the blind, blinkered and selfish attitudes of chumps,sorry, chums, like Cynic.


Pitiful people here? I must warn the others.



Do you want to have another go at that? Maybe try write something the rest of us can understand? A bit of extra detail would probably be enough.

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