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Country in a mess!

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Country in a mess? There's some good, some bad.

Not convinced it is as bad as the tabloids would have us believe.


Times are tough for some, others are making the best of the country's financial situation I'm sure.


I can mostly enjoy my hobbies unfettered. Except shooting, that went a while back. Photography - I get people being rather suspicious of me for no reason except having a large camera with me.


The state of paranoia is something that bothers me but I wouldn't say the country is in a mess just yet and just blame the paranoia/suspicion of other members of public on the tabloids by and large.

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Country in a mess? There's some good, some bad.

Not convinced it is as bad as the tabloids would have us believe.


Times are tough for some, others are making the best of the country's financial situation I'm sure.


I can mostly enjoy my hobbies unfettered. Except shooting, that went a while back. Photography - I get people being rather suspicious of me for no reason except having a large camera with me.


The state of paranoia is something that bothers me but I wouldn't say the country is in a mess just yet and just blame the paranoia/suspicion of other members of public on the tabloids by and large.



Good news isn't news, it's bad news that sells papers. And it's not just papers these days, it's 24 hour news channels desperately trying to turn minor stories into major crises.

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Yeah, life is tough and the country has gone down the pan. How hard it is for me to get out of a bed in a morning and work, so I can keep a nice house, drive a nice car and have a disposable income. How rubbish!!


As for taxes, I want to live in a country where I can benefit from all the public services, but not actually have to pay for them. Paying for services is rubbish!!

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I miss english speakers!!!


Wharfedale speakers are still made in England and are a Yorkshire company.


In fact a lot of very high-end hi-fi stuff is made by small English companies employing a handful of people, but exporting all over the world.


John X

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I'm sick of hearing people expressing how much of a mess our country is in. It's usually unemployment, immigration, crime, education etc etc Yes some people are having a hard time because of the global recession and some people are really struggling right now. However isn't the average person overall far better off than in any time in history. The average person has a fairly nice house and a fairly nice car and can usually afford at-least one holiday a year. This can't be said for the average person a few decades back. Why do we insist everything is so bad, things are changing that is for sure, but I think Mr and Mrs average have never had it better.


Anyone agree? (or disagree) It could just be the British way, even when things are good we will convince ourselves they aren't because we like nothing better than a good moan .


In short - couldn't agree more. We have just come through the worst recession since WW2, and yet how many people have lost their homes? A hell of a lot less than in the early 90's - and how big was the recession that caused that? Obviously not as big as this one. I have posted the figures on here before (don't have time to look for them now) on how the doom merchants forcasted we were heading for meltdown - didn't happen. Anyone know why? I shall return after work to check any replies.

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Has anyone thought they might have meant people who speak english?


I assume that most people have dismissed that interpretation, given that a poster called 'sheffield uk' probably lives in Sheffield! :rolleyes:


John X,

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