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Country in a mess!

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I'm not saying Everyone and I'm not saying lazy as if there are doing fiddle jobs they are far from lazy. but its just not right and none of the political partys have the balls to stand up and say they will do something about it! I never knew pride was soo expensive! lol


But while you're driving around in a nicer car, these people are looking for death traps at £100, plus they may have a working family supporting them.


Dont worry about them m8, trust me, you are alot better off than they are.

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So its ok to work on the side is it and not pay any tax? thats my whole point and you seem to be opposing me?


No, it isn't all right to be working on the side. It is subject to fines and I believe imprisonment.


The point I am making is that it is no fun to be unemployed.

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But while you're driving around in a nicer car, these people are looking for death traps at £100, plus they may have a working family supporting them.


Dont worry about them m8, trust me, you are alot better off than they are.


No they arnt!, most are in brand new motability cars a LOT newer than my car

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No they arnt!, most are in brand new motability cars a LOT newer than my car


[Plus all the other quotes in the same vein]



Do you have any idea just how much you destroy your own happiness and quality of life, and even your physical health in the long term, by being so obsessively eaten up with anger, bitterness and resentment? You're only poisoning yourself and it changes nothing that you complain about.


I'm with mattyuk1 on this one:


Dont worry about them m8, trust me, you are alot better off than they are.


I've had far more of the dark stuff to cope with in the course of my life than most people on here, and when I hear the kinds of things people find to moan about I think 'Is that the biggest problem you have in your life right now? Just be grateful for the fact, because one day you'll know what real suffering is so make the most of it while the going's good!'

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Another thing all the moaners on here seem to forget is that a hell of a lot peoples jobs depend on the the money spent by people on benefits and tax credits. How many times do you here the small shopkeeper or tradesman going on about working all hours to support their families whilst the undeserving seem to go about spending money willy nilly. Well if the government had not supported the economy through the recession by raising housing and council tax benefits allowances, pension credits and the like, then alot of those businesses would have gone bust. As call me Dave likes to say - we're all in this together.

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[Plus all the other quotes in the same vein]



Do you have any idea just how much you destroy your own happiness and quality of life, and even your physical health in the long term, by being so obsessively eaten up with anger, bitterness and resentment? You're only poisoning yourself and it changes nothing that you complain about.


I'm with mattyuk1 on this one:




I've had far more of the dark stuff to cope with in the course of my life than most people on here, and when I hear the kinds of things people find to moan about I think 'Is that the biggest problem you have in your life right now? Just be grateful for the fact, because one day you'll know what real suffering is so make the most of it while the going's good!'


So you think its fair i should go out to work to earn my money they whilst The benefit scroungers who can work get it handed out to them? I dont understand your defense of this system (unless you have a vested interest)

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Another thing all the moaners on here seem to forget is that a hell of a lot peoples jobs depend on the the money spent by people on benefits and tax credits. How many times do you here the small shopkeeper or tradesman going on about working all hours to support their families whilst the undeserving seem to go about spending money willy nilly. Well if the government had not supported the economy through the recession by raising housing and council tax benefits allowances, pension credits and the like, then alot of those businesses would have gone bust. As call me Dave likes to say - we're all in this together.



get real... you dont live in the real world obviosly

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So you think its fair i should go out to work to earn my money they whilst The benefit scroungers who can work get it handed out to them? I dont understand your defense of this system (unless you have a vested interest)



Where have I defended the system? :confused: Please quote me and point me to where I made any such comment.


I'm talking about your own toxic attitude, all you and the other moaners do is make yourself miserable bitter and hateful by being so obsessed. That's the point I was making, which you've chosen to ignore. The fact that you chose to invent a meaning in my post that wasn't even there indicates how distorted your perception of the world is. If you focus on the negative all the time, then your life will be crap. You yourself will have made it so. I think for you and many other people who obsess about it, those who get benefits (genuine or not) are simply a scapegoat group, and there's something deeper going on in yourself or your life that you don't want to face up to. Why not focus on how lucky you are and deal with your own distorted outlook?


I wonder, by the way, what you mean by 'vested interest'. I think people who deceive, lie, steal and exploit anything are wrong, but I don't fixate on it. And I repeat - I've been through worse suffering than the average person, but I've still managed to turn it round to a positive outlook and an ability to be grateful for the small joys of life. And on the global scale of human suffering, the fact that some people cheat benefits doesn't register as a blip. Be thankful you live in a country with a welfare safety net at all.

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