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Country in a mess!

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HHMMmm lets see..., add to your list

NO or discounted council tax

FREE prescriptions

and a whole host of other discounts on energy bills etc etc if you are "on benefits" then it seems more attractive to me. I'm so fed up of seeing the words "unless you are on benefits" when it comes to paying for stuff!


Free dental care. Reduced costs of living (travel, food/clothing for work).


And take into account the minimum wage is taxed.


Also account for the odd sick day, arriving late due to the odd bus breakdown, or driver leaving you at the stop.

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An elderly Chief was teaching his grandchildren about life...


He said to them, "A fight is going on inside me, it is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves.


One wolf is evil -- he is fear, anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, competition, superiority, and ego.


The other is good---he is joy, peace, love, hope, sharing, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, friendship, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith.


This same fight is going on inside you, and inside every other person, too."


They thought about it for a minute and then one child asked his grandfather, "Which wolf will win?"


The old Chief simply replied: "The one you feed".

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Let's see Jobseeker's allowance: £65.45 per week


LHA rate for Sheffield, 1 Bedroom accommodation - £90.90 per week.


National minimum wage £5.80x40hrs= £232 per week


hmm if you aren't doing better in work than you would be unemployed, can I suggest you do a full weeks work?


The situations where people genuinely are better off on benefits tend to be in cases where there are supplementary payments, made for caring responsibilities.... effectively subsidising people to do work that would otherwise be done by the NHS and cost us more.


-Tax & NI (That's 15% of the total wage for the wage you give)

Down to £196.25 already.


Council tax, travel costs (to and from work), prescription costs (+travel costs), dental costs (+travel costs).


Compare the levels of disposable income and hours worked (I'd factor in your travel time here - the unpaid hours of work).


A day missed due to illness/etc. A few minutes late. Non payment for your time spent on break.

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The old Chief simply replied: "The one you feed".


Meanwhile, you worked long hours to put food on the table. Whilst those next door did nothing, the hours you worked put food on their table too.


They did a bit of 'fiddle' and lived happily ever after.

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An elderly Chief was teaching his grandchildren about life...


He said to them, "A fight is going on inside me, it is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves.


One wolf is evil -- he is fear, anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, competition, superiority, and ego.


The other is good---he is joy, peace, love, hope, sharing, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, friendship, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith.


This same fight is going on inside you, and inside every other person, too."


They thought about it for a minute and then one child asked his grandfather, "Which wolf will win?"


The old Chief simply replied: "The one you feed".




I quite like that story. It reminds me of my favourite ever film.....SEVEN......I don't know why.:roll:

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Meanwhile, you worked long hours to put food on the table. Whilst those next door did nothing, the hours you worked put food on their table too.


They did a bit of 'fiddle' and lived happily ever after.


Still feeding the evil wolf I see. ;)

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I'm sick of hearing people expressing how much of a mess our country is in. It's usually unemployment, immigration, crime, education etc etc Yes some people are having a hard time because of the global recession and some people are really struggling right now. However isn't the average person overall far better off than in any time in history. The average person has a fairly nice house and a fairly nice car and can usually afford at-least one holiday a year. This can't be said for the average person a few decades back. Why do we insist everything is so bad, things are changing that is for sure, but I think Mr and Mrs average have never had it better.


Anyone agree? (or disagree) It could just be the British way, even when things are good we will convince ourselves they aren't because we like nothing better than a good moan .




Yesterday I thought that our country was in a mess. Today I took my OH out for a meal and a couple of drinks. We got chatting to a couple of friends.

We sat in the sun, had a few drinks and enjoyed. I guess that the country is still in a mess, but now I do not care. I will care again on Monday!

Sometimes life is a bitch.:roll:

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I'm sick of hearing people expressing how much of a mess our country is in. It's usually unemployment, immigration, crime, education etc etc Yes some people are having a hard time because of the global recession and some people are really struggling right now. However isn't the average person overall far better off than in any time in history. The average person has a fairly nice house and a fairly nice car and can usually afford at-least one holiday a year. This can't be said for the average person a few decades back. Why do we insist everything is so bad, things are changing that is for sure, but I think Mr and Mrs average have never had it better.


Anyone agree? (or disagree) It could just be the British way, even when things are good we will convince ourselves they aren't because we like nothing better than a good moan .


I'm sick of idiots like you saying how great it is when it's rubbish! Have you been in hopital lately???? Have you worked & paid into the sysytem for best part of 20 years & find yourself out of work & cannot get a bean. It''s the utter unfairness of the system that stinks!

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I'm sick of idiots like you saying how great it is when it's rubbish! Have you been in hopital lately???? Have you worked & paid into the sysytem for best part of 20 years & find yourself out of work & cannot get a bean. It''s the utter unfairness of the system that stinks!



The hospitals today are much better than they were when the Cons were in, new hospitals, much reduced waiting list's and better morale. Just wait 'til smarmy Dave is PM. They'll undermine it again like last time as they try to justify privatising it!

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Meanwhile, you worked long hours to put food on the table. Whilst those next door did nothing, the hours you worked put food on their table too.


They did a bit of 'fiddle' and lived happily ever after.



If you know people who are on the fiddle then report them. Use your vote for whoever you believe will take the action you consider appropriate. Beyond that, obsessing about it changes nothing.


Take satisfaction in the fact that your life is one of self respect and achievement and doing the right thing, and that (contrary to your evident belief) these notorious, epic benefits scroungers are not happy. They have miserable empty lives on the whole. You're going places and they're not. I'd worry more about the billlions and billions spent on illegal wars with monstrously incompetent aftermath plans. Funny how when it comes to wasting tax payers money it's those at the very bottom of the heap that are held responsible rather than those higher up who may be just as culpable. Since the Westminster expenses scandal, why are people still more outraged at the very poorest than the most privileged who have ripped the country off and saw it as their right? See the wider picture.

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