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Hurlfield Boys School

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Amazing that so many people got the Cane and slipper at Hurlfield it was the norm then of course. One of the teachers did have a stick of course about 32mm x 28mm and 400mm long I beat that really hurt and he took a run up it was hilarious if you weren't getting that stick. One teacher had a range of slippers and some JUST rubber soles and he made you choose which one he would use on you. Hard School but there was a level of fairness about it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I was there from 66 to 70 but hardly attended (silly lad)turton was my form teacher hard but fair i would be absent all week but attend on friday if school footie team were playing on sat morning when turton called my name for register and i replied here sir he would say oh we must have got a game in the morning lad ,so funny great memories even the i didnt like school at the time

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  • 6 years later...

I was at Hurlfield 1968-72. I have seen a few posts in this forum some very scant so I thought I would add a few memories to help jog the brain cells of other old boys.

Mr Houdmont Dep Head what a nice man but very handy with a stick, He used to take class in the corridor and god help them, mind you I bet they learned something.

Enter Mr Adams the new head I don’t remember much of him

Mrs Green Girls Dep Head very aloof. She had a thing about the Foyer, only time I saw her flustered was when the leaving year float condoms on the indoor fish pond and Mr White tried to hook the out with a stick

Mr Carr wood work a bully and a sadist.

Metal work was by a teacher that thought homework was about writing pages and pages of notes. I think it deformed my fingers

Mr Eric Hartley did RE and fencing he was also the medic. I liked Eric, every year his class was turned into a toy repair shop for xmas and the local charity.

Mr P Hartley English

Keith Turton liked cricket

Mr Greenough Geography and science. Do you remember when the prep lab blew up, I bet Myers sr does. Did the Duke of Teds a very dedicated teacher?

Pedro Jennings sometimes science teacher sometimes mountaineers another good man.

Mr Foot Maths. Would put all the work on a black board then spend the rest of the lesson colouring in a huge slipper. At the end of class, he would select some poor sole at random and the wack them on the a**e to see what the pattern looked like.

There was a History teacher that could rip a telephone book in half as a deterrent to unrulily boys. He used to split the class in half to re-enact the battles from the civil war, Marston Moor was particularly bloody, again.

Mr Pringle PE slippered everyone for any reason

Mr Arthur Bromby, best PE teacher ever, had heart surgery, see the scar, murder ball in the gym on wet days.

Short teacher who did music. Liked folk songs from around the world. Like… Oh my Darling; Navigating on the Eire canal, or Snip go the shears boys. Not so much taught as brainwashed  

Brian Standing, Big deep voice ran the youth club he was a friend to all I never saw him have a cross word with anyone

There was an arts teacher with a limp, ran a fishing club.

The other arts teacher who spent most of the time reading the works of Homer and Troy. He taught pottery after school.

Mr Savage French and the language lab sheer torture by reel to reel, merde Ca Va!

Then the girls came and brought an influx of female teachers.

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  • 2 months later...

Don't often look at this forum these days but the last post caught my interest.  I think it shows the difference between the 'Comprehensive' kids' comming through under the comprehensive system, from 1968/69? and the remaining 'Secondary Modern Kids' under the old one.  It was effectively two separate schools in one with largely separate teaching staff and cirriculums, can't remember having any teacher from the Comprehensive intake.

My time at Hurlfield was 1965 to 1970, memory fades but no one seems to have flagged up a science teacher, Godbehear? benign in terms of the corporal punishment handed out by many, but shouldn't have been let anywhere near teaching kids. Old form masters include, M.Simpson (English), E. Hartley (RE), P. Hartley (English).  There was a maths teacher in the third year Wagstaff I think or something which sounds like, very handy with the slipper but not a bad teacher.  I think Carr was the Music teacher another teacher handy with the slipper.  His lessons where memorable not least for their abject lack of music content, we just used to sit and listen to him rambling on about his days with the Halle Orchestra but what could you do with 30 minutes a week. Machin for PE, another teacher locked into a 1930's mentality.
March was an excellent History teacher capable of enthusing kids but left after our first year, no replacement and so no History after that, Marshall was ok in Metalwork. Jennings a very good science teacher always remember his Sunbeam Alpine and Rover P6 from the Climbing Club days, Standing was ok and fair.  There was another geography teacher whose name slips by he was good, not Greenhough, once mooted the idea of running a geology 'O' level and talked to us kids about it, a novelty, but then he left.   

As an education not much of note to remember much of it pretty grim but the curtains catching fire in Assembly and a fire on the building site whilst building the Comprehensive extension spring to mind oh and the swimathons to raise money for minibus and outdoor centre neither of which we had access to being the Secondary Modern kids!

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