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Do we need to cleanup the gene pool?

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I feel it is already narrowing with stupid people having more children than clever people. That is a trend that should be reversed.


I think you're mixing up stupid and under-educated.


Anyway, that's not the point. We need a big gene pool so that we have different immune systems, different versions of genes that are floating around. If we all had, for example, the same major histocompatibilty complex (google it, the internets can explain it better than I can), the human race would be doomed. So your idea of breeding out "stupid" people has more far-reaching implications that you can imagine.

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That sounds like exactly it. The first paragraph of the synopsis at least.


natural selection is indifferent to intelligence, so that in a society in which intelligence is systematically debased, stupid people easily out-breed the intelligent, creating, over the course of five centuries, an irremediably dysfunctional society. Demographic superiority favours those least likely to advance society. Consequently, the children of the educated élites are drowned in a sea of sexually promiscuous, illiterate, alcoholic, proletarian peers.


So is this going to happen and lead to the demise of the human race! Discuss.


Why didn't I just start with that! :D

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It should be a condition of claiming benefits that the recipient has to be either sterilised if female or castrated if male. That'd soon sort the problem out!


Let me guess... you'd be the one responsible for doing the castration. :rolleyes: This is your sick little fantasy isn't it? Chopping of the penises of the benefit class and telling them how pathetic they are, before throwing a load of wet cash mixed with turd in their face.


"Don't spend it all at once" you'd quip, before chewing smugly on the fried foreskin of your claimants.

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Do we need a world war to get rid of some stupid people and clean up the gene pool? There is no way of explaining this without sounding hugely controversial and narrow minded but I will have a go! I also realise there are some huge generalisations in what I about to say, but if we can put that to one side.


It isn't usually the countries cleverest people who are actually on the front line in war putting their lives at greatest risk. So it would make sense that after a war is over there will have been a huge loss of life and a good percentage of those that died will have been of low intelligence. Does that leave us with a greater percentage of clever people?


It does seem that while things are pretty good at the minute there could be at some point in the future a time when the Chavs (for want of a better word) have taken over. They are the ones staying at home having 23 children while the clever people are at work making money but not having time for many, if any, children. So in a few generations time are we going to be left with a nation of Chavs/people of low intelligence and with no aspirations?


In summary, are we becoming a nation of stupid people because it is the people with the lowest intelligence that are having the most children? That is kind of the point I wanted to discuss. Have wars stopped this happening in the past by killing off a huge chunk of the less intelligent population?


I am not saying all soldiers are stupid. I am not saying this would really work and I am definitely not saying a world war is really the best way of doing it. I am also not saying that people who died protecting the country are not far far braver than I ever will be. I am probably also not saying a huge list of other things you could assume from what I wrote. I just struggled to properly explained the theory I had! :)


So you're saying it but you're not saying it.

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Let me guess... you'd be the one responsible for doing the castration. :rolleyes: This is your sick little fantasy isn't it? Chopping of the penises of the benefit class and telling them how pathetic they are, before throwing a load of wet cash mixed with turd in their face.


"Don't spend it all at once" you'd quip, before chewing smugly on the fried foreskin of your claimants.


You've got me all aroused now! :hihi:

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So you're saying it but you're not saying it.


No I implied it by my lack of ability to accurately describe my thoughts without waffling on about stuff that was only partially relevant! :hihi:


Maybe I will be first on my own list :hihi:

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"Clean up the gene pool" by having a war ?

"should we let stupid people vote" ??

Smacks of intellectual fascism to me :suspect::suspect: You spout your intellectual prowess Cynic but when it comes down to brain over brawn you are still going to get your head kicked in ;):D

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