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Sheffield Parkour Meetings Thread (Free-Running)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just a reminder/sly thread bumper that we are meeting at the same place as the above psot every saturday still. hisalso includes Christmas Eve, alongside a little last minute group shopping of course! :P


Oh and our Video Section is fianlly getting updated (I have been a little lazy lately) and now contains quite a few of our videos with more to come when I find them!



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If anyone wants to watch we will be around town on Xmas Eve, a few of us in the festive mood, wearing Santa Costumes. We are planning to do some Parkour around Fargate and the Peace Gardens and hope that by jumping around as Santa we will raise spirits and get people in the mood for the day ahead! :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

hey everyone, this is Ben from Sheffield Parkour

i'm a friend of shane's, and i regularly attend these weekly jams in sheffield.


just an update; we now meet on the Hallam University Entrance Circle, but it's still around 12:00 noon.


if anyone feels interested about the idea of the 'sport' but does not feel they would be suitable to do parkour with us, then don't hesitate to contact me or shane (see my signature for contact details)


seriously, parkour is for anyone, whether you are male/female, 15/50, whatever you are, there's no reason you should not do parkour if you want to. we are a well organised group of ages 14-26, and we often meet with other (often more experienced) traceurs (the word used to define somebody who takes part in the art of parkour) from around the country.


Sheffield Parkour is in association with the parkour directory of the north of england, Northern Parkour


the latest video we have made was from last saturday when three of us visited Manchester, Click Here for the SPK videos page or Click Here to view the Manchester Video

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Ben, You don't have a signature.....


ANyway, yeah, we meet at the Hallam Square, there is a map up at http://www.SheffieldParkour.com where you can also view our latest video, along with all the rest! Don't suppose anyone on here saw us prancing around dressed as Santas near Fargate and the fountains?


Anyway, we are meeting tomorrow at the time and place described by Ben.


Hope to see soem new faces come along! ;)

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