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Smoking with kids in the car

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I am not anti smoking at all & tend to smoke socially myself but I hate to see parents smoking in the car with the kids in the back. Its such a confined space.


I saw a much worse sight today though in the Asda carpark - I watched a woman with the fag hanging from her mouth, pick up her toddler (aged about 2) out of the trolly & then put him in a car seat & hang over him, fag still in place while she strapped him in. The lit cigarette was literally an inch from his face at one point & was dangling over his face while she strapped him in.


How disgusting! Why couldn't she have just waited until she had finished before picking him up? As well as a face full of smoke, nicotine & ash the child would have received a nasty burn if he had moved forward. Why do people do this, surely the health if safety of thieir children comes before the need for a nicotine fix?

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I am not anti smoking at all & tend to smoke socially myself but I hate to see parents smoking in the car with the kids in the back. Its such a confined space.


I saw a much worse sight today though in the Asda carpark - I watched a woman with the fag hanging from her mouth, pick up her toddler (aged about 2) out of the trolly & then put him in a car seat & hang over him, fag still in place while she strapped him in. The lit cigarette was literally an inch from his face at one point & was dangling over his face while she strapped him in.


How disgusting! Why couldn't she have just waited until she had finished before picking him up? As well as a face full of smoke, nicotine & ash the child would have received a nasty burn if he had moved forward. Why do people do this, surely the health if safety of thieir children comes before the need for a nicotine fix?



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I don't see why the Government(s) don't ban smoking. Bunch of hypocrites, all of them. Even cannabis is less harmful than that stuff.


Because you could not cope if everyone stopped smoking. The national health service for one would probably collapse. The tax you pay would have to increase, and you would probably be taxed on things you may not currently be taxed for.


And why smokers? What about alcohol? Let's ban that. Father's and mothers going home and beating up their kids because they have had one too many; or beating up each other in front of the kids; or fighting about who gets the last glass of wine. Not to mention the affect alcohol has directly on children - or have you not noticed how drinkers of alcohol include children?


But no - have a go at smokers - we are getting used to it.

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