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Smoking with kids in the car

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How is that independant?It doesnt say how long,where or who,nothing of detail at all,it looks like the normal Labour induced brainwashing that gives no facts of testing just an intention to lead the sheep.



"said therewere limitations to the study, including uncertainties about the underlying health data and gaps in the data !


People like you make me laugh. You would probably deny being shot damaged your health if it suited your purpose. Fortunately people in a position of power don't listen to idiots like you, but listen to respected bodies such as the WHO. It seems that you are way out of your depth on this discussion. You should perhaps leave it to sane adults.

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People like you make me laugh. You would probably deny being shot damaged your health if it suited your purpose. Fortunately people in a position of power don't listen to idiots like you, but listen to respected bodies such as the WHO. It seems that you are way out of your depth on this discussion. You should perhaps leave it to sane adults.


How do you explain people are living far longer now than they ever have then?Or do you deny they are and a large percentage are smokers who have spent their lifes around smoke and smokers.


You have seen NO proof that passive smoking is harmful to anyone but act like you know it all but actually all you know is what youve seen on TV adverts!

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As an ex smoker I try not to get involved in these threads as there are so many experts around, who have never smoked.


Someone posted that smokers show no consideration for others, this is spot on, but remember they show no consideration for themselves. I have smoked in cars, buses, trains, planes, pubs, cinemas, restaurants, I can even remember smoking in lifts.


I can now appreciate how stupid smoking is, but you lifelong none smokers don't have a clue. Everyone appeared to smoke, royalty included, for gods sake even Bobby Charlton used to smoke, I can't imagine Sean Connery not smoking in his James Bond role. On several occasions I have had 2 cigarettes lit in the same room at the same time, without noticing.


You will get nowhere by hurling insults and abuse at smokers from the safety of your computer. The manufacture and import of all tobacco based products needs to be banned, the last government managed to ban most things, but fell short of banning something that was a nice little earner for them.


Well that's my two penneth, for what it's worth.

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Congratulations to everybody on this thread who has admitted to smoking in front of their kids. You have made it an acceptable practice in their eyes, reduced their lifespan and ultimately failed in your role of protecting your offspring.


Well done.


So they should have lied then. :huh:

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There is NO proof that pasive smoking does any harm to anyone infact independant tests have showed the opposite.


Babies are more likely to suffer SIDS when they have smokers for parents.


and passive smoking certainly does no good to children's developing lungs

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On what basis have you come to that conclusion?


References, please.


I had a quick scan through this one, and it's not definitive, but it does seem to suggest that the effects of "passive smoking" are fewer and less severe than commonly supposed.


Children, of course, whose cells are in rapid division the whole time, are inherently more vulnerable, and they were not included in this study. But nevertheless it's a serious piece of relatively recent research where the results are definitely food for thought.


Environmental tobacco smoke and tobacco related mortality in a prospective study of Californians, 1960-98

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As an ex smoker I try not to get involved in these threads as there are so many experts around, who have never smoked.


Someone posted that smokers show no consideration for others, this is spot on, but remember they show now consideration for themselves. I have smoked in cars, buses, trains, planes, pubs, cinemas, restaurants, I can even remember smoking in lifts.


I can now appreciate how stupid smoking is, but you lifelong none smokers don't have a clue. Everyone appeared to smoke, royalty included, for gods sake even Bobby Charlton used to smoke, I can't imagine Sean Connery not smoking in his James Bond role. On several occasions I have had 2 cigarettes lit in the same room at the same time, without noticing.


You will get nowhere by hurling insults and abuse at smokers from the safety of your computer. The manufacture and import of all tobacco based products needs to be banned, the last government managed to ban most things, but fell short of banning something that was a nice little earner for them.


Well that's my two penneth, for what it's worth.


I've never been shot but I know it isn't good for my health.

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How do you explain people are living far longer now than they ever have then?Or do you deny they are and a large percentage are smokers who have spent their lifes around smoke and smokers.


You have seen NO proof that passive smoking is harmful to anyone but act like you know it all but actually all you know is what youve seen on TV adverts!



Now that's what I call scientific research

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