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Cameron refuses point blank to rule out VAT increase

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Right, so you think increasing VAT on say fuel, heating etc is a good thing?


It’s an avoidable tax if you reduce consumption yes.


Labour and the Lib Dems = Increased tax on jobs and increased tax on living.


Take from that what you want.

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Oh and the rise in NIC will affect people earning over £20K, a rise in VAT affects everyone!


Could you link a source for this please as from what I have read Labours 1% N.I. increase for both employees and employers alike is across the board.


Whereas the conservatives will scrap this increase for those earning less than £45,400 a year for both employees and employers.


The likes of Titanic should by all means be crowing his/her head off about this as it looks to be a tax on the rich. But then again it’s not from Labour is it :huh:

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It seems to me sheffield is still stuck in the past, with all this anti tory, 13 year issues, which is a shame. Im starting to think for this to change it may take another 4 year of labour, to show how bad they are......and to end the issues the sheffield people have with the torys..

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Labour = National Insurance increase and possible V.A.T increase.

Lib Dem = National Insurance increase and possible VAT increase.

Conservatives = No National Insurance increase and possible VAT increase.


How to be less effected by a possible (all party) V.A.T increase:

Buy less consumer/luxury products. Not a bad idea.


How to be less effected by Labour and the Lib Dem’s National Insurance increase:

Do less work, or do no work at all. Not a good idea.


Didn't know LibDem were planning a national insurance hike as well, that'll rule them out for me then.

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The lib dems want to replace the Council Tax with a Local Income Tax. What wil this mean?


Oh and labour say thay are helping hospitals etc ...why are they going to put a 1% cap on public sector pay rises for 2011-12 and 2012-13? It sounds like double standards to me.

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The lib dems want to replace the Council Tax with a Local Income Tax. What wil this mean?


In simple terms, it means instead of paying according to the estimated market value of your home, you pay according to your income.


Oh and labour say thay are helping hospitals etc ...why are they going to put a 1% cap on public sector pay rises for 2011-12 and 2012-13?



Perhaps they want to help hospitals, rather than increasing the salaries of the workers in them. Paying nurses extra money does not produce any extra MRI machines.

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It's in the Tory manifesto ... VAT will be 20% and they'll bring back fox hunting and other blood sports


There is no mention of VAT in the conservative manifesto and no mention of raising VAT in the labour manifesto either. Would you please backup your claims with a link to your source.


On hunting with dogs the conservative manifesto says the following:


The Hunting Act has proved unworkable.

A Conservative government will give Parliament

the opportunity to repeal the Hunting Act

on a free vote, with a government bill in

government time.


The conservatives think the hunting act is unworkable. This is true in my view. It’s easy to get around and badly thought out from the onset. The conservatives will give the house the option to change it. This could mean even stronger legislation as it is a free vote.


If you support the idea of protecting foxes, then you should be happy parliament is again getting the chance to debate it and you can lobby your MP on your views. You should also be happy that there is another chance to really protect foxes unlike the current act which has saved none and means even less humane methods of dispatch are now being used.

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