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How many times have you phoned 999?

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I was thinking on the way home today about how often ive phoned the emergency services, and whether on average I was more prone to finding accidents/incidents than others, or whether it's normal?


I think that i must have phoned for about 5 or 6 Ambulances, and the Police about 4 times? Mainly road traffic accidents, but there was one occasion where some bloke was beating up his girlfriend which required the Police. So far in 2010 I've phoned 3 times for Ambulances.


So is 10/11 times overall above average? :confused:

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Over the course of a lifetime I can probably beat that. At one time I was living on an estate where it was quite common for wheely bins to be set on fire; I must have called the fire brigade half a dozen times in three months.


I think the Fire Service is the one service i've phoned the least. Only twice in my lifetime thus far, with the last a good two years ago.

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I have phoned 999 three times for people trying to break in to neighbours houses, prevented 2 thefts but they managed the third. Same house but different tenants.

999 twice for domestics which were getting nasty and their children came round crying asking for help.

999 once for ambulance when a man on a motorbike came off on a busy main road.

never had to call the fire brigade.

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I think I have phoned them three times in my lifetime........


Once was when we heard a disturbance in our kitchen in the middle of the night and breaking glass. Turned out it was a fight between two lads and they had come into our yard and smashed our kitchen window.


The second time was when I was stood at a bus stop and i saw clouds of smoke coming from the back of the shops across the road. I panicked, and ran back home to phone the fire brigade. Turns out it was just a little garden fire!


The third time was when i was at home and heard a screech of brakes and a thud on the road outside. I went outside and saw a bloke lying in the road, been hit by a car. I phoned for an ambulance, and the chap just got up and staggered off, shouting obscenities at the driver!

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Twice ... one for an old lady who had fallen on the road near our house and one for my Mum.


Nowadays they send an assessment team ... if they feel that person needs to go to Hospital, another ambulance comes out.


Can't fault them whatsoever ...

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just thought of another one.

heard a crash outside, went to investigate to find a young girl had fallen over the fence into my rose bushes. couldn't wake her so rang 999.

ambulance came she was so drunk she didn't know who she was or where she was but she was cut to pices by the roses so they took her to hospital anyway.

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