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Would you employ an escort?

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I think as long as it doesn't affect their day job they're doing for you then you've not got much else to say about it, I doubt they are out every night doing it because if they were I cant imagine them needing a day job! I think it would be no different to any other employee who went out during the nights.

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Personally, I'd hire the person on a trial basis and see how it went, like any other new employee. However, I'd be a liar if I denied I'd be a bit wary to hire anyone who felt it was ok to bend/break the law as long as financial gain was involved. I'd put it in the same category as hiring a drug dealer or ex-con.


There is someone in my family who sold drugs for a living, and quite succesfully. After a few years of high living he got out of it. Not because of law enforcement, but because rival drug dealers were making things unpleasant. I also grew up with two girls (one a good friend) who became escorts for a few years when we were all in our early twenties. Suggestions that I could also make 'great money' were met with a "thanks, but no thanks!" One married a professional athlete, the other married a rancher from Montana. BOTH husbands have NO idea of their wives' former profession. What does that tell you?


Honestly, think long and hard about this. A course of action that makes perfect sense at 22 may come back to bite you at 40. And it aint Pretty Woman. I think if you can manage it physically and emotionally, then do it. I'd be worried about your personal safety, re: weirdos, freaks, and diseases.

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On further thought, I am a big, fat hypocrite and if it were my child considering this line of work, I'd do my damndest to talk him/her out of it. If I knew about it.


But, the OP did not ask about this . The OP simply asked "would you employ someone that did this work (an escort)?

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