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Gods never care anyhow!

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It's a good point, but not really what I was trying to say.


I was more meaning - if one understands that 'normal' means merely that the majority (ie, over 50%) are in that category, then it's somewhat reasuring to understand that all it takes to be 'abnormal' or 'not normal' is that one doesn't fall into a mere 50% of the population. Eg, fewer than 50% of the population has green eyes. So, technically (if I'm correct that the definition of 'normal' is 'majority') anyone with green eyes is 'abnormal'.


Once you see it like that, then you cease to think that if you're not 'normal' then you're weird - you just don't fall into 50% of the population.

But you're still in good company!


So on this basis anywhere with a population imbalance between males and females would result in one of the sexes being abnormal? Random thought.

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What about all the small gods?


It's supposed to be a novel, not a basis for reality (are you an Omnian)?:P


someone having faith is only a problem when it is force fed to those who do not want it.


And those are the people who appear to "get it in the neck" on occasion on here (normal people are content with their beliefs/lack of.


I am (as you're probably aware) an atheist (former RC former Methodist former CofE) yet find the idea of religion "QI" (and why people do - and do not believe) as it is something that some people feel is important. Ninety nine percent of the time, religious and non-religious discussions can be held without the constant sniping (I was having a chat (over 2 hours) about religion with a couple of my friends on Saturday night - 3:00 finish). Not one bit of sniping occurred (though all points were argued passionately).


he can go forth and multiply!


There can be only one:D.


I am also quite insane - and quietly insane as well, but it's a secret shared only between me and everyone else.


This post will certainly make me look at your posts a little less seriously in future:).


What cracks me up is how people quote them in old English to make it sound more ethereal. They would not even have spoken any sort of English.


What's even more humorous, is people picking bits out of book they say was meant to be surpassed by their new book and the old one could be discounted):loopy:


Here he comes. :hihi:


Just ignore him.


He might go away.


This thread - like others of this type - is going nowhere.


And will, again, result in another thread being locked.


I have not met many christian fanatics relatively speaking.


The internet, however, allows certain types of people a public voice, so they feel the need to shout about it most because the are, ultimately, unsure of their own faith/beliefs (a bit like the homophobe who turns out to be gay, or the BNP member who married am immigrant).:loopy:


Most christians I have met believe in god and that's it.


I've found the same (as I have with my muslim friends):thumbsup:

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So on this basis anywhere with a population imbalance between males and females would result in one of the sexes being abnormal? Random thought.



One of the sexes has been officially decreed abnormal for centuries, and it's the one that's (nowadays at least) numerically the majority! :o

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This God has the following DEFINITE attributes:


blah blah blah


Stop trying to place human restrictions on something which may or may not exist. Because God/s may or may not exist they may or may not have any variety of attributes which are likely to be beyond our 3d imagination.

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Thank you redwhine for such an interesting link about the illusion of prayer.


Was that a jug of semi-skimmed by any chance? :):hihi:

I asked the cow, but she wasn't in the moo-ed to tell me. But that's an udder story.


I almost creamed myself, thinking that reply up.


Butter course, most people like cheesey puns.

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I am truly astonished that you don't realise how silly you are being here. You say god's power is 'limitless' than in the very next sentence you set out limits on his power.


Besides your defense doesn't work anyway, there are miracles in the Quran that are supernatural events and attributed to god.


The fact is omnipotence is impossible. It is impossible to be all powerful.


The problem is you take 'God' out of the picture from the onset and then try to put God under your own concept. I said that though God would be powerful etc He still acts within the bounds of logic- like the example I gave.


THis is your problem Bazooka, right here. This is the thing that is preventing you from understanding the truth of the world. If you take that as a given then there is no point in arguing with you and your pretenses that reason and logic are behind your thinking look very shallow indeed.


You start from this sentence and then work backwards. You start with the conclusion that 'god cannot contradict himself' and then you do mental gymnastics to convince yourself that your arguments back up


This is as opposed to me, who looks at the arguments and then forms a conclusion. When you consider the concepts of omnipotence and omniscience without any preconceived notions it becomes obvious that they are impossible and you reach the inevitable conclusion that your god does not exist.


Another way of looking at this is that since God is all powerful it means that He will always be able to do what He wills, as "every affair is effortless for Him.” Therefore omnipotence also includes the impossibility of failure. What you're saying(or I think you are) is that since God is all powerful He can do anything which includes failure! This is irrational and absurd as it is equivalent to saying “an all powerful being cannot be an all powerful being”!



To conclude, God can create stone that is heavier than anything we can imagine, but He will always be able to move the stone, what must be understood is that failure is not an aspect of omnipotence.

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Another way of looking at this is that since God is all powerful it means that He will always be able to do what He wills, as "every affair is effortless for Him.” Therefore omnipotence also includes the impossibility of failure. What you're saying(or I think you are) is that since God is all powerful He can do anything which includes failure! This is irrational and absurd as it is equivalent to saying “an all powerful being cannot be an all powerful being”!



To conclude, God can create stone that is heavier than anything we can imagine, but He will always be able to move the stone, what must be understood is that failure is not an aspect of omnipotence.

But couple omnipotence with omniscience and you have a problem. If an entity knew everything past, present and future (i.e. omniscience) then it would be powerless (i.e. not omnipotent) to change anything. To change anything would negate the omniscience. (Which is one of the reasons why prayer is such an idiotic concept.)

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