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Pills For Depression, How Good Are They?

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Just curious here, I know bugger all about them but I`d like to know more.


Exactly how much do they change you once they start working? Personality wise I mean?

I heared a whisper that they can turn people into bland shadows of their former selves... is that true?


How long do they take to work? How long are people expected to be on them? Once people come off them, do they go back to the way they were before..? Or does the pill sort of reprogram them?

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Just curious here, I know bugger all about them but I`d like to know more.


Exactly how much do they change you once they start working? Personality wise I mean?

I heared a whisper that they can turn people into bland shadows of their former selves... is that true?


How long do they take to work? How long are people expected to be on them? Once people come off them, do they go back to the way they were before..? Or does the pill sort of reprogram them?

My bold


I've been on anti-depressants for 5 years now - do you think I'm "bland"?? :hihi:

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Five years? I was told the max was three months!


That's only for big girl's blouses like you, real wimmin can take 'em for a lot longer.


Some useful information here.


Like all medicines, SSRIs (the most common anti-depressants) can suit some people and not others. There are lots of different sorts available, some will work for you, some won't. There are various side-effects - some people get them, some don't.


Some people aren't helped at all by anti-depressants, most people are. Talking therapies work with some people, but not with others. Increased physical exercise can cure some people of depression, and have no effect for others.


I hope you're getting the picture! Depression isn't like, say, a broken leg, where exactly the same treatment tends to work for everybody.


Most people who get mild depression manage to get through it by taking a short course of anti-depressants. All the SSRIs do is re-balance the chemicals in your brain, so you go back to "normal" thinking. The effects are usually so gradual that you don't notice them, until one day you realise you're coping better. You don't get a great burst of "whoopppeeeee, I'm cured", unfortunately.

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The honest answer is that they are sometimes great and sometimes not great and that some people are fabulous on them and have no problems coming off them and are fine afterwards, some people have horrible side effects, don't feel any benefit and struggle coming off them.


My partner was put on antidepressants last year for a few months and although he had really bad side effects when he went on them and struggled to come off them, they were amazing for him when he went on them and 3 weeks after he started on them the real him just came back again, like he hadn't been for months before his collapse.


On the other hand, I tried two different SSRIs at different doses and noticed nothing apart from a dry mouth, had no discernible difference to my depression or how I seemed to others and had no problems coming off them again. I also tried an SNRI which did have some effects but which had side effects for me which were so severe that I couldn't bear to continue it after the first 2 months.


I'm now taking the long, painful and expensive route to help prevent myself from ending up back in the depression cycle that I've been in for the last 20 years and it's having better results for me than any of the antidepressants ever did.


When you mention the 'shadow of their former selves' thing I think that this referred more to the older groups of antidepressants, but these are rarely used these days and SSRIs are used by preference because they are less of a sledgehammer to crack a walnut approach.

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Just curious here, I know bugger all about them but I`d like to know more.


Exactly how much do they change you once they start working? Personality wise I mean?

I heared a whisper that they can turn people into bland shadows of their former selves... is that true?


How long do they take to work? How long are people expected to be on them? Once people come off them, do they go back to the way they were before..? Or does the pill sort of reprogram them?


Why ? Are you going on them ? After all you are in the institute for the criminally insane arent you ?

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Ok ta for that.


My doc slipped me on some a few weeks ago- aparrently Ive been depressed for at least thirty years.


I just worry that I`m going to change and stop being the sweet and pretty little thing that I am. They`re aware that modern anti depressants turn me into a foaming madman so theyve put me on an older kind... so far all theyve done is make me sleep and in the few hours Im awake... I`m a foaming madman.

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The honest answer is that they are sometimes great and sometimes not great and that some people are fabulous on them and have no problems coming off them and are fine afterwards, some people have horrible side effects, don't feel any benefit and struggle coming off them.


My partner was put on antidepressants last year for a few months and although he had really bad side effects when he went on them and struggled to come off them, they were amazing for him when he went on them and 3 weeks after he started on them the real him just came back again, like he hadn't been for months before his collapse.


On the other hand, I tried two different SSRIs at different doses and noticed nothing apart from a dry mouth, had no discernible difference to my depression or how I seemed to others and had no problems coming off them again. I also tried an SNRI which did have some effects but which had side effects for me which were so severe that I couldn't bear to continue it after the first 2 months.


I'm now taking the long, painful and expensive route to help prevent myself from ending up back in the depression cycle that I've been in for the last 20 years and it's having better results for me than any of the antidepressants ever did.


When you mention the 'shadow of their former selves' thing I think that this referred more to the older groups of antidepressants, but these are rarely used these days and SSRIs are used by preference because they are less of a sledgehammer to crack a walnut approach.


Its the older ones theyre trying me on, the modern ones arent good for me or people around me at all!

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Why ? Are you going on them ? After all you are in the institute for the criminally insane arent you ?


Ive been on them for a few weeks now and... they dont appear to be working like they said they would... I bit a car in half this morning.


Remember what I was like on Champix and Zyban? Theyre derived from modern anti depressants and are bad for me, so theyve put me on older types and... theyre bad for me too it would appear.

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