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Pills For Depression, How Good Are They?

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Ok ta for that.


My doc slipped me on some a few weeks ago- aparrently Ive been depressed for at least thirty years.


I just worry that I`m going to change and stop being the sweet and pretty little thing that I am. They`re aware that modern anti depressants turn me into a foaming madman so theyve put me on an older kind... so far all theyve done is make me sleep and in the few hours Im awake... I`m a foaming madman.


I think you should discuss a mood stabiliser with your doctor. I used to react the same way with Anti D's... to the point of ending up with a criminal record and putting people around me in danger.


They shoved me up a little too much, shall we say.

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I think you should discuss a mood stabiliser with your doctor. I used to react the same way with Anti D's... to the point of ending up with a criminal record and putting people around me in danger.


They shoved me up a little too much, shall we say.


I mentioned the effect newer pills have and mentioned that the pill I`m currently taking appears to be having the same bad effect... so she doubled the dose....


Its interesting, but... not for the poor buggers around me :D

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Ive been on them for a few weeks now and... they dont appear to be working like they said they would... I bit a car in half this morning.


Remember what I was like on Champix and Zyban? Theyre derived from modern anti depressants and are bad for me, so theyve put me on older types and... theyre bad for me too it would appear.


I certainly do remember what you were like on Champix.They nearly sent you round the bend.:|

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Thing is too... if Ive spent the best part of my life in a deep, black depression.... What the hell am I gonna be like in a GOOD mood???? Im bad enough in a depressed state so if these pills "Cure" me then... god help the internet and people in Real life who know me...



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Thing is too... if Ive spent the best part of my life in a deep, black depression.... What the hell am I gonna be like in a GOOD mood???? Im bad enough in a depressed state so if these pills "Cure" me then... god help the internet and people in Real life who know me...




I was diagnosed as depressed years ago and treated for depression for about 8 years.


Turns out I was manic, go figure.

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I was diagnosed as depressed years ago and treated for depression for about 8 years.


Turns out I was manic, go figure.


I remember when I first started on SF, you used to go through periods of posting tons of threads each night for a while then you`d vanish for ages.

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If you can find the right one they can be great, it took me nearly 2 years to find the `right` one, but when I did I felt like a huge weight was lifted from my shoulders, I was treated for depression for several yrs. I was bonkers before and still bonkers now, so no, I don`t think they can change who you are if you do it right.


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If you can find the right one they can be great, it took me nearly 2 years to find the `right` one, but when I did I felt like a huge weight was lifted from my shoulders, I was treated for depression for several yrs. I was bonkers before and still bonkers now, so no, I don`t think they can change who you are if you do it right.



Ta for that.


I just dont want to stop being the creature Ive always been. I`d hate to become one of those poor, sad, pathetic, sensible buggers with no sense of humour and interests in Victorian electrical equipment or steam engines or something.


Id rather be depressed than end up like that!

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Just curious here, I know bugger all about them but I`d like to know more.


Exactly how much do they change you once they start working? Personality wise I mean?

I heared a whisper that they can turn people into bland shadows of their former selves... is that true?


How long do they take to work? How long are people expected to be on them? Once people come off them, do they go back to the way they were before..? Or does the pill sort of reprogram them?


Hiya you .. Umm I started on Prozac some 15 years ago .. ish ... I was a manic cleaning type person ... I even used to clean the kitchen floor with a bloody toothbrush ... I wouldnt allow my eldest friends round in case they walked on the carpet (my husband chose it and had it fitted without my knowing .. a pale blue shag pile .. so you had to hoover it one way else it looked messy) ... I was terrible .. within 3 - 4 weeks I began to feel "normal" ... Don't get me wrong ..I know I'm still not "normal" *chuckle* .. but I sat back a bit more and allowed my house to become a home ...


I'm still taking them .. but I do have times when I forget because I cant be arsed to take ONE more tablet that day ...


So yes, I think they can work .. in my instance, I didnt notice it working .. the people around me did ...


It was all good in the end .. after all, what child wants to grow up not being able to have their friends round to their house ... trouble is, the OH is now saying I'm "kinda slapdash" and he wishes he had more of a routine in the house ...

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