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A male may urinate in public, so long as..

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How about if he conceals the offending member with his left hand? Or, would the Law say that it's reasonable to expose a certain amount of flesh in carrying out an activity permissable under current legislation?


It would appear to discriminate agianst one armed men. But as I suspect it is all a load of taters anyhow it perhaps doesn't matter.

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A post on another thread made me wonder, and I didn't want to hijack the thread, so.....


"A male may urinate in public, so long as it is on the rear wheel of his motor vehicle, and his right hand is on the vehicle."


I've checked this statement out and it appears to be correct (as in, it's quoted on lots of different websites though I can't find the definite source). So, my question is, has anyone tried this and got away with it?


Does it matter (presumably it does) if it's not his own vehicle? How about if he's driving it with the owner's permission (not at the same time, obviously)? How about, er, if you're a lady (though not much of one if you're weeing against the rear tyre of your vehicle while also holding on to said vehicle with your right hand, clearly)? Would you have some kind of 'equal opportunity' claim?


I think they are allowed to pee into the petrol tank of a politicians car on the run up to a General Election providing they keep one hand on the radio aerial.

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Neither of which is true - you can also drive with amputated leg(s). However the car has to be suitable, such as an automatic, or in the case of a leg, the same and/or a (partially) hand controlled car.


You might possibly be thinking of the court case not long ago where the man was sent down for driving as an amputee - but the point was he refused to drive anything other than a normal car, and had been warned repeatedly.


Here is a leg amputee driving again: http://www.pressandjournal.co.uk/Article.aspx/1660542?UserKey=


And these are some products available to help arm amputees: http://www.ricability.org.uk/consumer_reports/mobility_reports/motoring_guides_for_people_with_particular_disabilities_/motoring_after_amputation/primary_controls/



Yes but not if you are blind as well which is what I was discussing!:roll:

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The only mention of blind in the entire thread is this post - why would you be talking about the blind when no-one else is, and you didn't mention the blind either?


Ok....so I forgot to mention it. Nobody is perfect!:roll:

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