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Bumble bees have changed colour!!

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YES. i have seen these scary looking bees too. Just the fact they are redish orange makes them scarier, especially to someone terrified of bees! the people i work with don't believe me!

*dresses up as a large bumble bee and sneaks up on gothic going BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ*

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There have been a lot of extremely large bumble bees out and about, I'm a fan of the red tail bee and for one am clad to see it slowly taking over the world.


I spent two hours in my mums garden yesterday looking at varying plants and bugs and counted 7 different types of bumblebee in her cherry trees going nuts for the blossom... including a couple of good old fashioned yellow and black ones of a slightly smaller variety.


They are still around, it's just at this time of year the bigger bees seem to be on the move looking for new homes so we see a lot more of them.

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I have seen dozens of bumble bees of late, they are sporting a new colour scheme, Black and red/orange! (and they are big!)


A bit of a boring thread for most, granted, but I would love to know why they have changed from black and yellow. Is it a new species from far away?


I remember the French Hornet invasion last year. Is this a similar invasion?


There are around 8 species of bumblebee that are common and widely distributed in the UK - two of these are black with orange abdomens. No invasion - maybe you've just noticed more of them this year :)

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Thanks for the link Matt.


The bees I've seen wouldn't wait for me to log on and check their exact stripage to determine which type of huge bees they were though. :(


Seen quite a few big 'uns. I do love seeing bees. Something very cheery about them.


Hate waps though - sting you as soon as look at you - evil wasps........

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