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A question for people who follow a RELIGION.

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This question is specifically for people who follow a Religion, I know many people believe in God but choose not to follow a religion this isnt for you, but please input.


Everyone with any reasobale thought capacity, will sooner of later question the existance of god. what im intrigued by is when the religious people have questioned once theyre able to think for themselves and decided they believed, was it a case of follow the religion you was bought up on, or look for one which most suites your preferance, and sounds plausable?


im aware some of you may have been bought up christian/muslim etc and then decided you believe but not to follow a religion just the concept of god, id like to know if you choose a religion why was it.


Excellent post ..... sits back and waits for the onslaught ;)

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I would equate souls to self-awareness - which is why I asked you my previous question, and you have answered.

I believe that it is the awareness that continues after death - the awareness of self - not of the physical body. You can call it a soul if you want - but that just muddies the waters as many believe all things have a soul.


Does that answer your question? Or have I missed it again?

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I would equate souls to self-awareness - which is why I asked you my previous question, and you have answered.

I believe that it is the awareness that continues after death - the awareness of self - not of the physical body. You can call it a soul if you want - but that just muddies the waters as many believe all things have a soul.


Does that answer your question? Or have I missed it again?


You have missed it (on purpose I have no doubt). I even did what you asked and numbered them so they were very clear. You are either a lot les intelligent than I thought or you ignored them on purpose.


I'll try one more time. You seem to have taken issue with me using the word 'soul' so I'm just going to have to reword it.


1.What exactly do you think is the non physical part of us is? What do you call it?


2.Do you think that all living creatures (including plants, viruses and bacteria) have this non-physical part of us?


3.If not, which creatures do you think do have this non-physical part and why?

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You have missed it (on purpose I have no doubt). I even did what you asked and numbered them so they were very clear. You are either a lot les intelligent than I thought or you ignored them on purpose.


I'll try one more time. You seem to have taken issue with me using the word 'soul' so I'm just going to have to reword it.


1.What exactly do you think is the non physical part of us is? What do you call it?



As I have said and said and said again - I equate the soul - the non-physical part of a person as self-awareness. How could you miss that answer - especially as you blooming quoted it?


2.Do you think that all living creatures (including plants, viruses and bacteria) have this non-physical part of us?


I have already answered this - in the same post you quoted. I believe that perhaps the after life is relative only to those with self-awareness.


3.If not, which creatures do you think do have this non-physical part and why?


Hello - The first two answered the third one - but just in case you miss it again let me do this in bold - I think what continues after death is awareness.


You seeing my answers yet?

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As I have said and said and said again - I equate the soul - the non-physical part of a person as self-awareness. How could you miss that answer - especially as you blooming quoted it?

In what way is that different form the concept of the soul?


And if it's not what was the point in making a big fuss about me using the word soul?



I have already answered this - in the same post you quoted.
No you haven't. I am trying to establish which creatures you think have an afterlife, giving me a vague criterion which means different things to different people is not an answer.
I believe that perhaps the after life is relative only to those with self-awareness.


In which case the question obviously becomes 'do you think all animals are self aware?


and if not 'which animals do you think are self aware'?

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In what way is that different form the concept of the soul?


And if it's not what was the point in making a big fuss about me using the word soul?



No you haven't. I am trying to establish which creatures you think have an afterlife, giving me a vague criterion which means different things to different people is not an answer.


In which case the question obviously becomes 'do you think all animals are self aware?


and if not 'which animals do you think are self aware'?


If something is not self-aware then I do not believe it continues to whatever awaits us after death - if anything does.


I have no idea if animals are self aware. Not my field of expertise? Neither is judging who or what goes onwards after death.


Sorry I cannot answer your questions any better than that. If something is self-aware then I do believe that for that something there is a 'life' after death. Which somethings are self-aware is not for me to say - mainly because I have no idea.

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Sorry I cannot answer your questions any better than that. If something is self-aware then I do believe that for that something there is a 'life' after death. Which somethings are self-aware is not for me to say - mainly because I have no idea.


OK fine I'll try and work with this.


1.How do you think self awareness magically made our ancestors continue to exist after death?


And if your answer to this is 'I don't know' then..


2. Why do you think self-awareness is what continues after death?

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OK fine I'll try and work with this.


1.How do you think self awareness magically made our ancestors continue to exist after death?


And if your answer to this is 'I don't know' then..


2. Why do you think self-awareness is what continues after death?


What sort of questions are those? First there are many religions and mine is only one. Different people believe different things and who is to say whether any of them are correct. It could be that you live your life and then you die and that is it - you are nothing more than a disease on the face of the planet. That's okay if people want to believe it.

I think that anything with selfawareness continues to exist - so not sure why the reference to our ancestors. I believe self-awareness does not end at death and not sure what sort of answer you are desperately trying to get.

Why would I not think self-awareness continues after death? It is almost certain in my mind that we have self-awareness for a reason. The most sensible thing I get from this is that it continues after gathering the information required from experiencing a lifetime. There seems little point in gathering information just to then throw that information in the bin.


Why are you so set against people having faith in something? Why is it fundamental to you that we all denounce faith and just accept that life is the be all and end all of everything? Why can you not just simply accept that some people are happy believing in something - especially when that in no way affects you - either your lifestyle or your beliefs?


Are you searching for something because you feel your life is lacking? Or do you just want to feel reassured that you have it right and everyone who has faith is wrong?


Not everything can be explained. Perhaps one day science will catch up, and possibly overtake faith. But at this moment - in this place - science does not have all the answers.

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