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A question for people who follow a RELIGION.

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I thought it time I throw in my two pence worth... so here goes...


I was raised Roman Catholic which I ditched the first chance I got. But now having done reading on lots of different religions I would sum up my beliefs as follows (be warned this is a little abstract).


I think that the basic ideas of Jedi best sum up what I guess most people would call my "belief system"... let me explain before you think I'm nuts...


The basic idea of good and evil, right and wrong in a constant struggle against one another. The basic notion here being that one cannot exist without the other. Choice by its very nature always presents alternatives with these concepts being at either end of the spectrum. We cannot know happiness if we didn't know pain and so on...


Next... the idea of a binding force, energy or whatever else you want to call it. The idea that everything is interconnected in one way or another... think the butterfly effect. At whatever scale you look at things everything is part of a bigger system or collection.


The idea that nothing is without purpose... everything happens for a reason. The notion to a degree of some level of destiny whilst maintaining some control over our own fate. The destination is always there but the journey and the path is ours to choose.


I can also understand and to some degree believe in the idea of those who have already been through "this plane of existence" offering guidance and support in the way of "guardian angels" if you like.


As for God... the personification is something I take issue with... I prefer to think that there is no one set being, deity or whatever else but more a binding life force that exists in everything.


That would be it in a nutshell...


Personally the idea of most religions these days don't grab my attention as too much is about control, politics and everything else along those lines. This is why I like my "Jedi" concept as it removes the "crud" and puts things on a more generic level.

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Both of me says there is a difference so you are outvoted 2 to 1. :hihi:


You atheist types have a serious problem if you cannot just let other people get on with quietly following their religion.


It's like an obsession. I don't think people should have sexual relations with farm animals but I don't seek out those who do it and spend my life talking and arguing with them. :hihi:

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You atheist types have a serious problem if you cannot just let other people get on with quietly following their religion.


I hope you're not being serious with this comment.


I've followed a thread for a couple of days now - it had the possibility to be QI, though I never felt the need to post (as I don't follow a religion) and I wouldn't have done. But when some bint starts on about "militant atheists", then the thread has taken on a different complexion.

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I hope you're not being serious with this comment.


I've followed a thread for a couple of days now - it had the possibility to be QI, though I never felt the need to post (as I don't follow a religion) and I wouldn't have done. But when some bint starts on about "militant atheists", then the thread has taken on a different complexion.


I noticed that as well. I did post to that thread at first but then it became a sort of free for all to start slagging everyone off, and when threads get like that they should be closed in my opinion. Why is it that so many threads turn to resorting to personal insults that are unfounded and totally un-necessary?


But if someone asks a question on religion for religious people to answer, then I figure the poster wants religious people to answer - not none-religious. What he gets is a load of atheists starting a flame war. Hey ho!

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But if someone asks a question on religion for religious people to answer, then I figure the poster wants religious people to answer - not none-religious.!


Which is why my reply was in good humour (which you responded to in kind), and which is why I'm "outahere";).

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You atheist types have a serious problem if you cannot just let other people get on with quietly following their religion.


What are you talking about? I didn't even come on the thread until I saw you slagging down and making generalisations about everyone who doesn't believe in what you do, then I made a light hearted remark which you creatively interpret as an attempt to stifle your right to believe in pixies or whatever. You just can't take having your views challenged, but that's what's going to happen if you post them on a public forum, so get used to it.

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What are you talking about? I didn't even come on the thread until I saw you slagging down and making generalisations about everyone who doesn't believe in what you do, then I made a light hearted remark which you twist aroundcompletely. You just can't take having your views challenged, but that's what's going to happen if you post them on a public forum, so get used to it.





I have not even mentioned what I believe in so how I can slag people off for not believing the same as me is way beyond my understanding.


You need to get a sense of humour - or did you turn a blind eye to the laughing head - meaning my response to your response was intended as light hearted joking.


Now get lost and leave this thread to the religious nuts at who it was aimed. :hihi::hihi::hihi::hihi:

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I have not even mentioned what I believe in so how I can slag people off for not believing the same as me is way beyond my understanding.


You need to get a sense of humour - or did you turn a blind eye to the laughing head - meaning my response to your response was intended as light hearted joking.


Now get lost and leave this thread to the religious nuts at who it was aimed. :hihi::hihi::hihi::hihi:



Ok, fair enough. I have a limited sense of humour when I perceive religious people are claiming - with no apparent irony - that atheists are refusing them the right to think what they want.

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