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A question for people who follow a RELIGION.

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I have not even mentioned what I believe in so how I can slag people off for not believing the same as me is way beyond my understanding.


You need to get a sense of humour - or did you turn a blind eye to the laughing head - meaning my response to your response was intended as light hearted joking.


Now get lost and leave this thread to the religious nuts at who it was aimed. :hihi::hihi::hihi::hihi:


You are 12! :hihi:

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Ok, fair enough. I have a limited sense of humour when I perceive religious people are claiming - with no apparent irony - that atheists are refusing them the right to think what they want.


I don't give a monkey's uncle what atheists think or don't think. I have never said that an atheist refuses me the right to think what I want.


I have said - it seems that atheists dislike the notion of others having faith, and seem to attack believers for having faith - as can be seen on numerous threads on this forum. And that is why I do not talk about my religion on here. It is mine. Not yours. You cannot have it. I am selfish and want these delusions all for myself. ;)

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Just out of curiosity, what would make an atheist believe in God? What sort of proof would you want? Would you expect to actually 'see' God? Miracles? What?


What would ity take you to believe that the universe was created by a giant duck called thrabble, who lives under the North Pole?

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What would ity take you to believe that the universe was created by a giant duck called thrabble, who lives under the North Pole?


I would have to hear what his followers say about him before I could fully ponder that question.

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It take two to tango


I cannot dance at all - let alone tango. :hihi:


But this thread does appear to be aimed at asking questions about religion for the religious to answer, and we get atheists starting to post just to take the urine out of those who have faith.

You start a thread aimed at atheists answering and you will find I do not post to it, regardless of what is said, because it is intended for atheists.


I bet you post on those topics that say "One for the girls only" don't you? (I have been tempted but refrained) ;)

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