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Nick Clegg won't support Labour in a hung parliament.

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Youn could be right; we are in for an interesting few weeks. It really would be, to use that overused word, historic, if Clegg became PM. I just can't see it happening though.


It won't happen, simply because Clegg won't get enough MPs in a coalition to back him for top job.


Current polling suggest that the Conservatives will get 300 odd seats and Cleggs Lib Dems, if they do well could just exceed 100 seats.


The majority of Conservative or indeed Labour MPs will not want the their next leader to be anything other than the colour they had been campaigning for to win their individual seats.

Clegg would only stand a chance with the top job if Clegg commanded many many more seats than he is projected to.

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Heres something for people to have a look at. On the BBCs website swingometer which people can play about with, If you change all the 3 main parties to 33% of the vote, you get the following seats


Labour: 316

Cons: 209

Lib Dems: 101




This doesnt include any share for the "other parties" this is why the lib dems want to change the electroral system, and its not the cons who would loose out most, its labour - which is funny coming from a "supposedly fair goverment"


ps: figures are rough.....also it would mean labour could have the majority with all sides being almost equal

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