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Nick Clegg won't support Labour in a hung parliament.

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LibDems run Sheffield.


Last year my Council Tax went up by less than 2.2 percent.


This year my Council Tax went up by less than 1.6 percent.


LibDems have proved to me that they are good housekeepers.


LibDems should be given a chance to run the Country.




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OTOH at different times in different places Clegg has stated that he would support the party that won the most support from the electorate. He hasn't said whether he means the party that gained the most seats or the party that received the most votes, which gives him some leeway.


I didn't see the interview but I suspect it is Gordon Brown he won't support rather than Gordon Brown's party.


The Tory stance on electoral reform and Europe would make an alliance with the Tories pretty hard to swallow for most Lib Dems and could lead to a split in the party.


Like you said you didn't see the interview. I did.


Clegg was remarkably candid and answered questions with proper answers unlike the skirting round issues we are used to in PMQs.


He said quite clearly and clarified any anbiguity when asked. He said that if Labour poled fewer votes he would not support the. He was asked about the leadership question. He said that was a matter for the other 2 parties. He said both Cameron and Brown would be in a difficult position if they failed to deliver the decisive mandate, but that was up to them to sort out. He wouldn't support Labour unless they polled higher than the Conservatives.


I think he would make a good plain speaking PM.

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Not sure which election it was but I was on about the % of electers who actulty voted for the winners out of the registered electorate. Think it was the re election of Blair.

The torys making out the sky is going to fall in unless they get a majority is a desparate tactic. I think the Libs will poll far fewer than the polls, but hopefully gain a much increased(fairer)number of seats.

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The Tories making out the sky is going to fall in unless

they get a majority is a desperate tactic.


I agree with you.


Coalition Governments (alliances among individuals or groups) work well elsewhere.


I hate scaremongers.




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And Cameron has given an interview in Observer, saying he might have talks about reform of voting if a coalition is needed.Its utterly unconvincing though.

Vote reform is the issue for me, the MPs need to remember its OUR parliament not thiers.

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Nick did fantastically well with Andrew Marr.


Sheffield should be proud of him.


In fact, the Nation should be proud of him.


This Nation needs Nick Clegg.





Why, He is not from Sheffield and doesn’t even live here most of the time. He comes from Buckinghamshire, was educated in London and Cambridge.


He was only elected in 2005 and was parachuted into the seat. His connection to Sheffield tenuous at best.

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I will vote Labour because I hate them least and I want a National Health Service. The Tories would completely destroy the NHS such that less well off people cannot get treatment.


Another one towing the party line, without question. Try looking into the claims rather than swallowing everything Labour want you to believe, well that’s if you are not a Labour activist, in which case there is no hope for you :)

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