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Nick Clegg won't support Labour in a hung parliament.

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I am not towing any party line. I hate what the present Labour government has done to this country , it eats at the very fibre of my being. I am certainly NOT an activist. I am a well read man however and I really do believe that the CONs would love to destroy the NHS. They have wished to do so for many years, the Thatcher government begun it with a "creeping privatisation". The CONs now realise that they can CUT IT DRASTICALLY and turn round to the electorate and say, " Look we had to do it, Labour left us in a mess, it was their fault"


They would love to destroy the NHS and deprive poor people of proper medical treatment in order to "cull" the "surplus population"


Razzle, Readers Wives and others of their type doth not make you well read. Well red in the face maybe. :hihi:

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Read what I put above, there need be no formal 'deal'. The Cons will probably just form a fragile minority government without any coalition partners. They will then be dependent on the Lib Dems not opposing legislation in order to pass it (which the Lib Dems, I guess, would only do if they agree with it).


In effect it would be a Cons government in a straight jacket, until they tried something controversial and provoked Lib Dem opposition, at which point we either have new elections or a Lib/Lab government (either coalition or minority with support of the other party).


The Lib Dems will not go into formal coalition with the Tories, they have nothing to gain from it. Allowing a Conservative minority administration is, however, not the same thing.

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If there is anyone here who doubts that the CONs would like to abolish (privatise) the NHS, simply search NHS thatcher creeping privatisation, the screen will be full of articles. It was well documented. The present CONs will not "creep" but will take it forward very rapidly and blame Labour for it. All well informed people KNOW that.

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Some Pollsters are predicting another huge surge in support for

Nick Clegg and the LibDems after the TV debate on Thursday.


They say he can make it to Number 10.






I do not support the LibDems, but if they did make it to number 10 I would be amazed by how perceptive the British electorate are. I would applaud them even though in my opinion they had made the wrong decision.

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