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Where Does The Snot Go?

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Poppets, I have a cold.


MAN FLU to be exact.. ok, Hunk flu to be really accurate and I just had a Halls Mentholyptus sweet.


I sucked it and the snot up my nosey wosey magically disappeared!


I also tried Vicks vapour rub last night and again, the snot was whisked away!


Cough medicine, I had some of that too to clear my poor achey wittuw chesty westy and in no time I was coughing up fist sized lumps of...


Family forum...


How do these things work? Where DOES the mucous go to when it comes into contact with mentholyptus fumes and how do expectorants... erm... make us expectorate?




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Most of the blockage isn't actually snot, it's swelling of the cells which line the airways in your nose. Around the bridge of your nose the airways are very narrow normally and it doesn't take much swelling to have the air flow significantly reduced or the nose blocked completely- there's no snot there, just swelling.


The menthol compounds in Vicks, Olbas Oil and menthol sweets act as decongestants in two ways. Firstly they enable liquefaction of mucus meaning that it drains as normal (we have plenty of mucus when we don't have a cold, but it's liquid and drains down the back of your throat without you even noticing it) and they also act as an anti-inflammatory for the cells lining your airway, thus making you magically able to breathe again.


If you were looking for a disgusting answer about snot then I'm very sorry to have been so sensible.

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Most of the blockage isn't actually snot, it's swelling of the cells which line the airways in your nose. Around the bridge of your nose the airways are very narrow normally and it doesn't take much swelling to have the air flow significantly reduced or the nose blocked completely- there's no snot there, just swelling.


The menthol compounds in Vicks, Olbas Oil and menthol sweets act as decongestants in two ways. Firstly they enable liquefaction of mucus meaning that it drains as normal (we have plenty of mucus when we don't have a cold, but it's liquid and drains down the back of your throat without you even noticing it) and they also act as an anti-inflammatory for the cells lining your airway, thus making you magically able to breathe again.


If you were looking for a disgusting answer about snot then I'm very sorry to have been so sensible.


Well you know me, I can make a disgusting answer out of any reply!

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Its still in there, hiding in a little(or maybe not so little pocket) waiting for a really inappropriate moment to show itself. maybe tomorrow when you`re talking to your kiddies teacher in the yard, and the biggest sneeze in the world ends with a huge greb down the teachers chest... oh the embarassment!:D

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Its still in there, hiding in a little(or maybe not so little pocket) waiting for a really inappropriate moment to show itself. maybe tomorrow when you`re talking to your kiddies teacher in the yard, and the biggest sneeze in the world ends with a huge greb down the teachers chest... oh the embarassment!:D


I do that anyway!


Its my way of saying `Hello!`

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