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Do You "Sleer"?

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When I was a kid, my mumsy-wumsy often slapped the living dung out of me for "Sleering" at her.


I never found out what sleering was but I must have done it often because the screech of "STOP BLEEDIN SLEERIN` AT ME!` was a screech I heared often and was always followed by a slapping to end all slaps.


When MY mummy hit you, you STAYED hit!


Any road up, My seven year old was giving me lip this afternoon and I said `Sleer at me again and you`ll be grounded, you little ape!` and my OH who isnt from Sheffield, may god forgive her, asked me what Sleering was...


I honestly couldnt answer her even though I`d just accused my kid of it.


So, poppets, kiddiwinkies, tell this poor ignorant Jabberwock what sleering is! Did you ever get accused of it when you were young? Did you ever get threatened with "A kneef int rops if you dont bloody stop!"?


Do your kids sleer?

Do YOU sleer?


Discuss and.... No sleering please.

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When I was a kid, my mumsy-wumsy often slapped the living dung out of me for "Sleering" at her.


I never found out what sleering was but I must have done it often because the screech of "STOP BLEEDIN SLEERIN` AT ME!` was a screech I heared often and was always followed by a slapping to end all slaps.


When MY mummy hit you, you STAYED hit!


Any road up, My seven year old was giving me lip this afternoon and I said `Sleer at me again and you`ll be grounded, you little ape!` and my OH who isnt from Sheffield, may god forgive her, asked me what Sleering was...


I honestly couldnt answer her even though I`d just accused my kid of it.


So, poppets, kiddiwinkies, tell this poor ignorant Jabberwock what sleering is! Did you ever get accused of it when you were young? Did you ever get threatened with "A kneef int rops if you dont bloody stop!"?


Do your kids sleer?

Do YOU sleer?


Discuss and.... No sleering please.



I don't know what sleering is, but if any child of mine ever vambonzled at me, there'd be hell to pay!

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My mother says I get a bit "sleery" when I've had a few...I think it means back chat in a sarcastic way, dunno though..........


I could never make out whether it was like a sneer or something.


I WAS a sarky little turd though so maybe it IS that.

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I don't know what sleering is, but if any child of mine ever vambonzled at me, there'd be hell to pay!




Thats a new one!


Is it like scowling? I used to get told off for scowling too... I`m quite good at scowling!

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I was often threatened with "Clevit" too.... `As`ll gi thi sum clevit in a bit!`


Im not sure if I ever was in reciept of said Clevit because I suspect that as a threat , it was the mother of all threats so anyone recieving it might have blocked it from their concious mind for the sake of their own sanity.



Has anyone had any Clevit?

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Yes, afaik, it means something like sneering, sniping, being cheeky and patronising to your 'betters', being a bit of a gob****e, slowtiming?


I've not heard anyone say it for years, though. There's something on the Sheffield Sayings and Rhymes thread about it, iirc.


It'll be the sort of attitude you have when you're adolescent, I bet :D

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Yes, afaik, it means something like sneering, sniping, being cheeky and patronising to your 'betters', being a bit of a gob****e, slowtiming?



Yeah... yeah thats me to a tee! :D


I probably deserved the slappings then because I was great at winding adults up.

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