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60's Pirate radio stations which did you like


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I knew a Dutchman who was skipper of one of the Pirates off the east coast, it was severely damaged in a storm and closed down and towed into Yarmouth. He got a job as manager of a firm building Trimarans in Brightlingsea but killed himself on a motorbike doing 80 odd mph through a village in Essex, he hit a telephone box then a pole, died instantly.


I used to be big headed but now I'm perfect.

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I was doing 95 down the I 75 here in Florida and a State Patrolman pulled me over.


Do you realise you were doing 95 miles an hour said the copper, was I really said I, didn't realise it sorry. Ok the cop said just give me a good reason and you can go on your way.


I thought a bit and said, Well Officer my wife ran away with a Patrolman and I thought you were trying to bring her back.


Have a good day, Sir.

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There were 2 Carolines. The story is well documented on the internet, but here's a quick resume.

Easter 1964 and Radio Caroline comes on air (from the MV Caroline) shortly followed by Radio Atlanta (from the MV Mi Amigo).

A merger of the 2 companies took place and the Mi Amigo stayed where it was and was renamed Caroline South.

The MV Caroline sailed around the coast - broadcasting as she went - and took up anchorage in Ramsey Bay, Isle of Mann, and was renamed Caroline North, thus giving the Caroline organisation national coverage.

And the rest, as they say, is history.

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