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Oops landed back in hospital

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Just to let folk know, I landed myself back in hospital over the weekend.


I have arrythmia, (my heart keeps missing beats) and it's causing me to collapse.


Depending on the outcome of some tests, it's likely I will be taken for surgery in the next couple of days, and given a pacemaker to give my heart a "kick" when it forgets to beat.


HUGE thanks to ambulance staff, A&E staff, and the nurses on the CCU/HDU section, for their care.

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Just to let folk know, I landed myself back in hospital over the weekend.


I have arrythmia, (my heart keeps missing beats) and it's causing me to collapse.


Depending on the outcome of some tests, it's likely I will be taken for surgery in the next couple of days, and given a pacemaker to give my heart a "kick" when it forgets to beat.


HUGE thanks to ambulance staff, A&E staff, and the nurses on the CCU/HDU section, for their care.


I wasn't sure if you wanted me to put it up on the forum or not so i didnt, all the best with things PT.

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Yeah, good luck with that! Actually, having not seen you before i wasn't sure if i'd seen you asda (Handsworth) the day after the sheff wed/sheff utd game? If it was you, you were talking to a security guard near the door, i think you had a biggish fella with you who had a beard? I maybe wrong but afterwards when i put 2 and 2 together, i overheard you talking about how your neck was still a bit sore, then i saw on here that you'd be hit falling debris! lol. Anyway, all the best PT :thumbsup:

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