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Want to cut crime by two thirds in 6 months?

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There's a difference between the two that you seem not to be able to grasp.


Drug users chosse to do what they do, they do so in the full knolege of what the consequences are as well.


People who get sick for any reason and with any sickness do not choose to do so and sociaty has a duty to care for them.


Oh, and just for your uneducated benefit. There nothing in socialisum to say that criminals should be cared for, quite the contray in actuality. Deviants should be eliminated, or haven't you read your Marx lately.


Presumably then in your world you'd have some sort of system to establish the factors in someone's addiction. If they became addicted as a way of dealing with their mental health problem, or dealing with physical pain, they'd be ok? Its just the others you'd personally execute?

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So you'd prefer that public money was spent treating unnecessarily acquired HIV-related illnesses just so that people who use heroin experienced some sort of suffering? How unpleasant.


No, I'd just make sure the 'drug use room' was close to the city morgue.

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Presumably then in your world you'd have some sort of system to establish the factors in someone's addiction. If they became addicted as a way of dealing with their mental health problem, or dealing with physical pain, they'd be ok? Its just the others you'd personally execute?


Yep that'd be OK, they'd have to have chosen to get addicted, anyone who gets addicted to anything because of treatment in one form or another would be exempt.

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Yep that'd be OK, they'd have to have chosen to get addicted, anyone who gets addicted to anything because of treatment in one form or another would be exempt.


There are strong reasons to support the practice of prescribing heroin to drug misusers, researchers claim.


A University of Amsterdam team says the treatment is cost-effective, even though it is expensive.


The British Medical Journal study found the cost to health services was offset by savings linked to crime reduction.


Supervised medical prescription of heroin - a class A drug in the UK - is controversial. UK experts said a range of treatments should be available.





Previous research has shown supervised medial prescription of heroin improves the physical and mental health, and ability to function normally in society, of users who cannot be successfully treated using just methadone - a synthetic narcotic used to treat heroin addiction.





Lives saved.


Less crime.


A massive boost to the NHS.


Huge savings by the police and courts because crime falls.


Plus, the distribution of heroin is taken away from some of the nastiest criminal gangs imaginable.

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Lives saved.


Less crime.


A massive boost to the NHS.


Huge savings by the police and courts because crime falls.


Plus, the distribution of heroin is taken away from some of the nastiest criminal gangs imaginable.


When you look at it like that, it's hard to imagine any rational person (trolls notwithstanding) being able to find any sensible objection.

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