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Never noticed when voting

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I have voted 4 or 5 times but never noticed a number on my ballot paper , have been told today there is a unique number on them that tallys with your name on the register when you go to vote they put that number by the side of your name, can,t see it myself but can anyone say they know if this is fact or fiction ?:confused:

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This is true, yes.


This thread from a couple of days ago contains another thread on the same theme. You'll find more answers there.


used thread search nothing came up to say the thread had be done before will look again ta

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It's so individuals names and voting records can be passed to the Economic League and MI5 and then entered onto a database. Anyone voting for a non-mainstream party then gets a visit from black clad, balaclava wearing men who cart you off to a "re-education" facility.


Hope that helps.

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