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Writers work from the "Cornucopia Radio Show"


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Hi everybody,


Just thought I'd drop in to let you hear some of the current work being done by a cross section of Sheffield based writers at the 'Cornucopia Radio Show'; a Sheffield based podcast and wireless show. I thought I'd try posting a few examples to try and get some friendly advice or thoughts from the community here.

Digging Deep (18:19 minutes)

Written by Alice Collins

Digging Deep

The story of a community and a friendship that struggled to survive during the 1984-85 UK ‘Miner’s Strike’. Two people coming together for the first time in 25 years. Remembering the decisions that they had to make and the consequences that were bound to follow…


The Lock (10:55 minutes)

Written by Peter Wilson and Peter Beeston

The Lock.mp3

It was a long, late night and Julie finds herself being woken up from a dreamworld by Karen, her best friend since childhood. Together, on this bright morning they will discuss many things, including their past, present and future.

And maybe they’ll find out why Julie left the front door unlocked...


The Visit (15:30 minutes)

Written By Paul Kenny

The Visit.mp3

When her son Tony, a young trainee teacher is sent to prison for abusing a 14 year old pupil, Christine is forced to examine her true feelings for her only child. Set against the backdrop of her first visit post sentence, her confusion soon turns to anger as her son’s apparent denial and minimisation of his behaviour brings with it, a realisation that their relationship must change if it is to survive the sentence and beyond…


You can listen to more at www.cornucopia-radio.co.uk


Amway, there you go. Any thoughts or opinions, or if you've got ideas for future productions, just let me know



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