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Gordon Brown's mask slips "she's a very bigoted woman"

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The Tories and Liberals will be loving this, but they are no better!

All Politicians are the same!

David Cameron and Nick Clegg will also ridicule and say bad things about people they meet.

Any labour voter who changes their minds because of this incident, will only end up voting for another leader who would have probably said the same thing or something worse about this woman.


You can imagine what a Tory leader would have called her!:huh:

or you can imagine what a liberal leader would have called her!::confused:


If I was in her shoes, I wouldn't vote for any of them!



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Poor Gordon, having to go to Rochdale twice in one day.


Perhaps we can lay off him now, this is more than suitable punishment!


I hope she is at home and refuses to let him in.(good tv that)

It shows what he really thinks about people who disagree with him.

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Good on him


Why should he pander to bigots? Don't like the bloke and the only reason I am giving voting my consideration for the first time is that I am one of the seemingly few people who haven't developed amnesia in regards to how the Tories treated the North of England.


Brown has just gone up in my estimation. Rather he calls a bigot a bigot than runs around baby-kissing.

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She WAS bigoted though!!.

Typical old women who doesnt acutally understand about immigration.


Exactly. Most news sites seem to be saying it was about the economic issues, and it is only when you look closer do you find the immigration aspect was at the heart of it.

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Good on him


Why should he pander to bigots? Don't like the bloke and the only reason I am giving voting my consideration for the first time is that I am one of the seemingly few people who haven't developed amnesia in regards to how the Tories treated the North of England.

Brown has just gone up in my estimation. Rather he calls a bigot a bigot than runs around baby-kissing.


Get real sunshine! You've never heard of Corus then? Teeside & Rotherham have been desimated by job losses under Labour....but the bankers in the big smoke got bailed out ok. Take off your rose-tinted glasses...they are all the same!

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