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Gordon Brown's mask slips "she's a very bigoted woman"

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Gordon also lied.


When questioned about cutting the debt, he claimed there was a reduction plan to cut the debt in half over the next 4 years. In fact it’s to cut the deficit in half, the debt will keep rising.


Gordon Brown the only UK Prime Minister to have never been elected by his party or the population.

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PM: "I misunderstood the words she used"


having seen the interview I didn't have any trouble understanding the words she used


maybe if GB had actually listened to all the words instead of just a few key ones while working out what he was going to say next then he wouldn't be in this mess


I've noticed this trait with politicians in general, they are so busy thinking of what to say they don't listen to you and only pick up on odd trigger words which they then use to pull out an appropriate soundbyte, about the only one I've not seen do this is Mr Clegg but there again until recently he's not had the same exposure so he may do it as well

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To be fair on Gordon (and its the only time I ever will) I know a few people in Rochdale and Oldham and areas in-between the two, and the thing they go on most about are the large influx of foreigners coming to the town.


I don't know the full facts, so I just assume they're being bigoted!


Poor Gordon, having to go to Rochdale twice in one day.


Perhaps we can lay off him now, this is more than suitable punishment!



Come on you, lay off Rochdale! My lovely other-half is from there and it looks like I may well be one day too (frightening, isn't it?)


It's not that bad but I can understand where this woman is coming from - not to take the thread off on a tangent but around the area my fella lives in many people have grafitti'd horrible things about other cultures, likewise in the more predominant asian communities they have the same horrible things about white people. They appear to hate each other and there are many places I have been told not to go by myself after dark - and it does need sorting. But by upping the police presence - not deporting everyone!

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And we are still dealing with that with Sheffield having the worst air quality in the country! More people suffer from lung disease in Sheffield due to poor air quality than in all of the country according to a recent report. Imagine if they were still on the go, what would the air quality be like? The modern steel industry is clean in emmissions & recycles most of it's raw materials but would the smaller ones still have been on the go with all the overheads that modern governements puts on them, such as emissions licences / carbon trading / recirculation for furnace chimneys etc. It is better that steel is made by modern large companies that take emsssions / H&S etc seriously ...unlike the far east steel industry that Gordon & his cronies want to encourage via globalisation. Remember the Beijing Olympics where production had to be stopped to hold the games as polution was that bad? A persons life is also quite worthless overthere as production is king.....



Well Bedders you seem to be moving the goal posts about a bit, before you were blaming the govt for closures now you are saying that the closures under the Tories were a good thing!:huh:


The plants which closed down also recycled their own scrap and had bag plants for the fume extraction.


The reason they closed was because of the collapse of manufacturing industry in the eary '80's which is what Thatcher intended.

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Just imagine if the one eyed Scottish idiot had just been in discussion with Dmitriy Medvedv and had walked out saying into his mic "What an awful biggot"


London disappears 15 minutes later.


But he did appologise so that makes it alright! Just makes you think back to the 'bullying' saga? He seems to have a public face & then an explosive behind-closed-doors face? Don't you think?.... Chameleon???

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