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Gordon Brown's mask slips "she's a very bigoted woman"

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This did make me laugh, I have to say.


Personally I quite like the idea of politicians being human and having strong feelings about voters rather than being "nice" to everyone.


I think it would have been brilliant if rather than apologise GB had phoned her up and gone "You aren't a bigoted woman, what I meant to say is you are a $"%£^$% £"%$£"% £"%$". That would have been jolly nice :)

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Well Bedders you seem to be moving the goal posts about a bit, before you were blaming the govt for closures now you are saying that the closures under the Tories were a good thing!:huh:


The plants which closed down also recycled their own scrap and had bag plants for the fume extraction.


The reason they closed was because of the collapse of manufacturing industry in the eary '80's which is what Thatcher intended.


Try this then......




What i was trying to say (perhaps badly, granted) that companies have to move with the times. Take the car industry in this country....how was it supposed to compete with the global market when Derek Robinson took the work force out on strike 523 times at Longbridge in just over 12 months, costing £200 million in lost production (stripping them of valuable finance for modernisation to compete on the global stage)??? They were doomed before Thatcher even came to power!!!


What chance had they ever got of reaching the 1980s under Thatcher when they had a commy leading them to strike after strike?


I'm not anti-union, far from it, but 523 times in just over 12 months takes the ...well you know!

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I take it your a labour party member.

So many words and not one valid point....... Tut tut tut


Lol, is that's the best you can do? I guess you don't see the irony in your post. Feel free to give an actual rebuttal to anything I've said, otherwise your post is just as empty as you suggest mine is.

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Try this then......




What i was trying to say (perhaps badly, granted) that companies have to move with the times. Take the car industry in this country....how was it supposed to compete with the global market when Derek Robinson took the work force out on strike 523 times at Longbridge in just over 12 months, costing £200 million in lost production (stripping them of valuable finance for modernisation to compete on the global stage)??? They were doomed before Thatcher even came to power!!!


What chance had they ever got of reaching the 1980s under Thatcher when they had a commy leading them to strike after strike?


BL was one case.


What about the shipbuilding industry, the tubemakers, railway rolling stock manufacturers and locomotive builders, the commercial vehicle manufacturers.,the machine tool makers.........................................many, many more.

Th Cons destroyed the lot.

Thatcher used to deride all these types of proper industry as 'smokestack' and skewed the economy in to one of property speculation and sharedealing and making the 'fast buck'. What a disaster.

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Like you or I he has a right to opinion, considering he actually met and conversed with her would maybe help to justify his comment. His mistake (the idiot) was to voice those opinions on air...absolute nightmare.


What I didn't like was the implication he cherry picks through one of his aids. My guess is they all do though.


" Business Secretary Lord Mandelson said Mr Brown was "mortified" over the hurt he had caused Mrs Duffy.


Mandelson? What a slimy little creep this man is. If I ever made a gaf in public this is the person I would want a million miles away from defending my corner.

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"This is the worst moment for Labour in the campaign so far "




It's certainly a blunder that Gordon Brown could do without, although I don't think this one incident is going to swing it for the voters, that's just media propaganda.


In fact the more the media seek to make issue of this incident the more it might actually firm up Labour support, remember the dead soldier's letter fiasco?

Far from damaging Gordon Brown, it actually helped him, as most saw this as a media driven story, the same might happen here if the media continue to make play of this story.


Remember Bush comment's that he uttered which were broadcast on tv when he thought he was off mic, when speaking to Cheney, "


Bush:"There's Adam Clmer, major-league asshole from The New York Times."

Cheney replies: "oh yeah, he is big time"


That Faux Pas didn't do Bush & Cheney any harm.....they got elected in twice after that!

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Labour leader calls a working class woman a bigot for asking question on immigration.




No I don't think so. I think most people will remember what is at stake when they cast ther vote.

Yes the incident is a PR disaster, but when people realise that their jobs and lievlihoods are at risk (esp. if they work in the public sector) if the Conservatives get in, they will think twice before casting their vote for Smarmy Dave or Clegg.

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