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Gordon Brown's mask slips "she's a very bigoted woman"

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Regardless of what the Cons did or didn't in the 80s, Indians, South Africans and Chinese out-competed any UK players in any of these fields by the mid-90s anyway, if only due to the cost differential.


Indians, South Africans and Chinese would only have out-competed them later on (but still out-competed them) if the loss of competitivity allegedly at the hands of the Cons hadn't taken place.


The main factor you should be looking at, is UK companies inadequately compensating for foreign technological catch-up over time. That's usually down to lack of investment, lack of vision, or both. And not much at all to do with political interference (save perhaps as that which relates to the strength of the £).


Yes investment was the key, as was done in the rest of Western Europe. Not to close the whole lot down.


Atleast locally under Labour, in 1978 we had massive investment in the steel industry with the setting up of the stainless plant at Shepcote Lane. Which the Tories allowed British Steel to sell off after they privatised the steel industry and hasnow largely been asset stripped with production being transferred to Finland.

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UK steel production went up under the Conservative government.


This has been explained and evidenced to you before. Have you forgotten?


UK steel production has dropped under this Labour government.

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Yes investment was the key, as was done in the rest of Western Europe. Not to close the whole lot down.


Atleast locally under Labour, in 1978 we had massive investment in the steel industry with the setting up of the stainless plant at Shepcote Lane. Which the Tories allowed British Steel to sell off after they privatised the steel industry and hasnow largely been asset stripped with production being transferred to Finland.


Not sure where you get that info from?

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Tommorw's debate will be the crucial factor. If Clegg does well Brown looks doomed.


Can you expand on that a bit:?:


If Clegg does well then that favours a hung parliament, which means the incumbant Prime minister, even if Labour get less seats than the Conservatives, gets first go at trying to form a coalition government.


Clegg has flip flopped so many times over the issue as to whether he would be willing to form a coalition with Labour if they finished 3rd in the popular vote, that you can't be sure what he might do, he might even figure that electoral reform has a better chance under Labour,than Cameron and thus reluctantly align with Brown after all

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UK steel production went up under the Conservative government.

This has been explained and evidenced to you before. Have you forgotten?


UK steel production has dropped under this Labour government.


That will be to supply the inward investment that was created here...Nissan, Toyota, Honda etc. Bad, Bad Tories!

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What's Labour's excuse then?




If Thatcher was trying to bring these industries down, how are Tony / Gordon to answer for their (worse) actions in how they have treat & managed manufacturing?..... I'm all ears!


Labour have not been great for manufactruing either as they have largely pursued the Tories policy of non intervention and gone along with what the Cons set in train, that is an economy based on property speculation and share dealing.


But locally Sheffield Forgemasters was saved from administration by being bailed out by the Lab govt, and they have just given Forgemasters a large loan to enable them to invest in new plant.

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It's certainly a blunder that Gordon Brown could do without, although I don't think this one incident is going to swing it for the voters, that's just media propaganda.


In fact the more the media seek to make issue of this incident the more it might actually firm up Labour support, remember the dead soldier's letter fiasco?

Far from damaging Gordon Brown, it actually helped him, as most saw this as a media driven story, the same might happen here if the media continue to make play of this story.


Remember Bush comment's that he uttered which were broadcast on tv when he thought he was off mic, when speaking to Cheney, "


Bush:"There's Adam Clmer, major-league asshole from The New York Times."

Cheney replies: "oh yeah, he is big time"


That Faux Pas didn't do Bush & Cheney any harm.....they got elected in twice after that!


Theres a bit of difference between calling a journalist a 'major league asshole' and calling a member of the public bigoted when two minutes earlier he was smarming all over her.

There won't need to be any media propaganda with this incident - Brown did all their work for them, all they need to do is air what happened. Speaks for itself.

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Labour have not been great for manufactruing either as they have largely pursued the Tories policy of non intervention and gone along with what the Cons set in train, that is an economy based on property speculation and share dealing.


But locally Sheffield Forgemasters was saved from administration by being bailed out by the Lab govt, and they have just given Forgemasters a large loan to enable them to invest in new plant.


And have you got figures to back that up in comparison to what they bailed the bankers out to the tune-of? Think you'll find it's chicken feed at the side of what the loss making, bonus-grabbing, bankers have had out of the tax payer.


I will agree with you though that Labours continuation of Lassiez faire economics has done us all no good at all & that must mean REAL change!

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