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Gordon Brown's mask slips "she's a very bigoted woman"

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The BBC must be licking there lips - because of Gordon being Gordon, there will be more people watching the debate tomorrow night.


What happens if labour actually win due to a biased voting system. If they change there leader after there win, there will be outcry.

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Yay Gordon! Go Gordon! I love him for this! :rolleyes: A gaffe of monunmental proportion! Typical Labourite, smile in your face and slag you off behind your back. He could at least have had the courage of his convictions and said it to her face. What a selfserving wimp, he's pathetic!


He's succeeded in confirming all the worst fears of some of the electorate, that the top politicians are all smarm when they want your vote, and then ridicule and patronise you when they think they're in safe company.


It's a disgrace. Really. Calling someone a bigot just because he doesn't agree with what they said? Anyone would think he'd honed his skills on SF :hihi:


Quite a post by someone who is always at pains to stress that they are apolitical! Looks like more than one mask may have slipped today!

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There was an interesting (and frankly rather disturbing) piece in the papers yesterday about research that had shown that left-wingers/liberals and right-wingers/conservatives have totally different moral value systems at a very basic level. They just don't share any basic sense of what is right and wrong.


Put simply, faced with a decision, liberals tend to ask the moral questions "Is this fair?" and "Will it harm anyone?".


However, those two points are unimportant to conservatives who instead value 'loyalty to their group', 'maintenance of social heirarchies' and 'purity'. They regard anyone who doesn't match those criteria to be immoral.


Hence (as Jon Stewart famously discovered) it is largely pointless trying to debate with or convince a right-winger of the moral rightness of a "fair" or "equal" course of action. They simply won't see the point. To a conservative (for example) gays are just "impure" and therefore "wrong" and no amount of calm reasoned argument or appeals to their compassion or basic humanity will convince them that it is moral or ethical to treat gays fairly and equally.


Likewise my point that I should know better than to waste my time trying to reason with people who start posts with "I'm not a racist, but..." or "I'm not homophobic, but...".



For those who care, the research was carried out by Jon Haidt and colleagues at the University of Virginia.


And I'm quoting "conservative" with a small "c".


Although it is interesting that Chris Grayling is still Shadow Home Secretary. If a front bench member of either other main political party had said what he did, they would have been fired within 24 hours.


What Mrs Duffy said was ignorant and bigotted. You can just as easily be racist towards white people, and you are never going to have a productive, informed debate with someone who starts by saying


"Where have all these Eastern Europeans come from?"

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The gaff shows that like all of us, Brown can get a bit peeved off when things don't turn out how he likes them to, he may have over played Ms.Duffy's stance, but there was no evidence to point to bullying though.


The thing about the Brown bullying saga,....people dont mind him having a go at people not doing there jobs....his rating went up when that story surfaced.....this is far worse.......she was a old lady who had an opinon,.....just because of the immigration discussion he didnt like her.......you couldnt have made this up

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Yay Gordon! Go Gordon! I love him for this! :rolleyes: A gaffe of monunmental proportion! Typical Labourite, smile in your face and slag you off behind your back. He could at least have had the courage of his convictions and said it to her face. What a selfserving wimp, he's pathetic!


He's succeeded in confirming all the worst fears of some of the electorate, that the top politicians are all smarm when they want your vote, and then ridicule and patronise you when they think they're in safe company.


It's a disgrace. Really. Calling someone a bigot just because he doesn't agree with what they said? Anyone would think he'd honed his skills on SF :hihi:


Here here -

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The BBC must be licking there lips - because of Gordon being Gordon, there will be more people watching the debate tomorrow night.


Obviously, this gaff has been the most high profile, but Cameron was under fire yesterday after a confrontation with an unhappy dad, who also previously happened to have worked under John Major, then you have Clegg flip flopping over what he meant over his comments about who he would or would not form a coalition government with.


So I think that all the leaders will be watched carefully by many viewers and not just because of Gordon's gaff.

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Agreed,this will get the white working class to vote BNP in even bigger numbers,well done mr brown.;)


Is that what the white, working class are preordained to do?


I know quite a few of them and they have the wit to understand the issues and the options available to them and not go sulking to Nick Griffin over a gaffe made by Gordon Brown who was never portrayed as the Great White Hope in the first place.

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Brown called Mrs Duffy a bigot because she is a profoundly ignorant bigot.


Go away and hide in your little hole. Mrs duffy asked a question, thats all she did, as Brown is in charge to look after this country he should be able to respect people within this country. I would have thought the expenses scandel would have knocked some sense into him.

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