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Gordon Brown's mask slips "she's a very bigoted woman"

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Jeremy Vine is playing Brown the tape now...



He's actually trying to blame her for asking about immigration.


Priceless !


He said this live didnt he lol. Jeremy vine destroyed brown with questions he couldnt answer.


Thats conservatives and Labour that wont be getting my vote.

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To be fair to Gordon Brown, he's not the only disingenuous politician in Westminster. The overwhelming majority say one thing for public consumption and believe quite another thing in private. Harridan "do as I say, not as I do" Harperson is one such example.


But at least most of them know enough not to let slip to the "little people" (the public) their utter contempt for them. Well, at least not overtly (I'm thinking of the expenses p***-take here).


Sadly, of course you're right. But the last 13 years have been run on a diet of spin and misinformation rather than clarity and honesty.


We desperately need change.

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Dont forget the great decision by Gordon Brown the PM / Chancellor regarding selling our gold.


Oh yeah lol I remember when GB was all prudent this , prudent that, end of boom and bust, prudent this and prudent that..yeah right , prudent to sell all uk's gold when the price was low, I bet all his mates bought some.

Then he put the c.e.o of halifax in charge of the financial services authority before the bailouts...

What a Alan B'stard. And Ed Balls is Pierce Fletcher Derbish , lol

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As to the effect of this on Gordon's chances. People don't change their mind as a result of new information - only reinforcement and rationalisation of existing view takes place...otherwise you experience post cognitive dissonance (which is what the lady clearly felt herself when she was so upset - that the information given to her was so diametrically opposed to her heart felt views of the world and people in it).

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