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Gordon Brown's mask slips "she's a very bigoted woman"

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As to the effect of this on Gordon's chances. People don't change their mind as a result of new information - only reinforcement and rationalisation of existing view takes place...otherwise you experience post cognitive dissonance (which is what the lady clearly felt herself when she was so upset - that the information given to her was so diametrically opposed to her heart felt views of the world and people in it).


They will still have lost votes from the inbetween voter, no one knows how many, but it may be significant.


I have a question for people..... when brown leaves the position of leader of labour.....either soon or in the future.......


what will he do, will he stay in politics, or has being in the position hes got now, damaged him too much?

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This thread is not about Poles in Britain, it's not about buying flats in Poland. It's also not about car tax.


It's about Gordon Brown making a "gaffe" as they call it. If you want to discuss any of the topics I've mentioned above - start another thread.

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Whether you agree with her or think she's a bigot, isn't really the point, though. If he'd said to her face that he didn't agree with her and that he thought she had a bigoted point of view ... fair enough. It's the smarming and creeping around her to her face and then saying something else entirely behind her back that's so wrong.


It's not like he's some unimportant back bencher that can be called to order over his remarks, he's the Prime Minister, he should tell it how he sees it.

He's a two faced hypocrite without the courage of his convictions. I don't want someone like that representing our country.


Absolutely. Agree with every word.

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