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Gordon Brown's mask slips "she's a very bigoted woman"

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How could anyone ever meet him now without wondering what he's going to say when he's left the table? Anyone from president to pauper will have that nagging thought about the mans integrity and two-facedness.


It's one thing being grown up about these things, but he's publicly lost credibility now we have had a public insight into his character.

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How could anyone ever meet him now without wondering what he's going to say when he's left the table? Anyone from president to pauper will have that nagging thought about the mans integrity and two-facedness.


It's one thing being grown up about these things, but he's publicly lost credibility now we have had a public insight into his character.

Has the world turned on its axis? I'm agreeing with Tony, again! :help::D
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How could anyone ever meet him now without wondering what he's going to say when he's left the table? Anyone from president to pauper will have that nagging thought about the mans integrity and two-facedness.


It's one thing being grown up about these things, but he's publicly lost credibility now we have had a public insight into his character.


Well give Gordy his dues, he's out and about, undaunted meeting voters again.

What's Smarmy Dave doing, out croqueting or doing a spot of stag hunting?

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The BBC reported that Gordon Brown's team asked for a radio mic to minimise mic booms, as they appear intrusive.



Truly. I think we should be allowed to bug all the leaders 24/7.


It's all pretty sad really.


It isn't all that long ago that the MSM were shrieking in indignation about one of Murdoch's 'news' organs using telephone taps to listen in to celebrity converstaions and here they all are today revelling in what essentially amounts to the same thing. A private conversation recorded inadvertently that should have remained private. Double standards that we all should be well used to of course.


Perhaps, in the spirit of even handedness, Murdoch could arrange for us to listen in on what Cameron and Clegg have to say in private about the people they encounter on their campaigning ? His minions seem to have a wealth of experience in this field.

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The Mail sprouting cobblers about Rochdale council, implying non-white people get preferential treatment and defending this silly old woman.




So the Daily Mail have made a claim. Can you provide any proof that what they have printed are lies or "cobblers"?


Or are you just like Brown - you can only dish out insults and slurs?

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It's all pretty sad really.


It isn't all that long ago that the MSM were shrieking in indignation about one of Murdoch's 'news' organs using telephone taps to listen in to celebrity converstaions and here they all are today revelling in what essentially amounts to the same thing. A private conversation recorded inadvertently that should have remained private. Double standards that we all should be well used to of course.


Perhaps, in the spirit of even handedness, Murdoch could arrange for us to listen in on what Cameron and Clegg have to say in private about the people they encounter on their campaigning ? His minions seem to have a wealth of experience in this field.



There has been ever increasing authoritarianism and creeping surveillance under New Labour, so it's quite apt that Brown's final downfall might be due to an invasion of privacy such as his government would have seen fit for the rest of us.

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