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Gordon Brown's mask slips "she's a very bigoted woman"

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There has been ever increasing authoritarianism and creeping surveillance under New Labour, so it's quite apt that Brown's final downfall might be due to an invasion of privacy such as his government would have seen fit for the rest of us.


Thats something that hasnt dawned on me, Its a wonderful thought, isnt it? The irony is almost too sexy for words.

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There has been ever increasing authoritarianism and creeping surveillance under New Labour, so it's quite apt that Brown's final downfall might be due to an invasion of privacy such as his government would have seen fit for the rest of us.
Give purdy a :clap: , great contextualization.
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It's all pretty sad really.


It isn't all that long ago that the MSM were shrieking in indignation about one of Murdoch's 'news' organs using telephone taps to listen in to celebrity converstaions and here they all are today revelling in what essentially amounts to the same thing. A private conversation recorded inadvertently that should have remained private. Double standards that we all should be well used to of course.


Perhaps, in the spirit of even handedness, Murdoch could arrange for us to listen in on what Cameron and Clegg have to say in private about the people they encounter on their campaigning ? His minions seem to have a wealth of experience in this field.


There is a pretty wide dividing line between someone falling victim to an illegal telephone tap or and illegal bugging operation and someone being recorded on a microphone that he and his henchmen insisted he wore.


Methinks thou art grasping at straws old friend.

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I'm not sure how the juxtaposition of those two quotes works in relation to your comment? What has my reaction to I1L2T3's comment about Brown not being allowed out without his wife got to do with retep's comment? :huh::confused:


Clarification needed, please


With regards to mrs Duffy being branded a bigot. That's all

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There has been ever increasing authoritarianism and creeping surveillance under New Labour, so it's quite apt that Brown's final downfall might be due to an invasion of privacy such as his government would have seen fit for the rest of us.


And whoever succeeds New Labour will be very grateful for all the surveillance systems they inherit. I haven't heard any suggestions about dismantling the machinery from Cameron or Clegg and neither of them have put up much of a fight to protect our liberties and freedom of association over the past thirteen years.


I've no sympathy for Brown, he was stupid to make the comments he did and even more stupid to wear a radio mike supplied by Sky News.


The point of my post, which you completely ignored, is the sickening double standards of the media.

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And whoever succeeds New Labour will be very grateful for all the surveillance systems they inherit. I haven't heard any suggestions about dismantling the machinery from Cameron or Clegg and neither of them have put up much of a fight to protect our liberties and freedom of association over the past thirteen years.


I've no sympathy for Brown, he was stupid to make the comments he did and even more stupid to wear a radio mike supplied by Sky News.


The point of my post, which you completely ignored, is the sickening double standards of the media.



Please don't get arsey, Greybeard. I included your post because it kicked off my train of thought, that's all. It was just an observation, thank you for prompting it. I've not played party politics on here, most of my observations go across the board and I don't wave rosettes or try to big up one side and play down another. If I make a comment about one leader/party/policy it doesn't mean I think the others will necessarily be better. There have been a lot of posters doing that kind of thing, and I'm not one of them. :)


Sorry for ignoring you btw.

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