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Gordon Brown's mask slips "she's a very bigoted woman"

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What they usually mean is you can't mention immigration without some intollerant sanctamonious holier than thou person with their head up their own backside getting on their high horse to accuse them of being a bigot or being racist, that's what they mean.


Just about sums it up.

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This Mrs Duffy is a pretty typical Labour voter.


Most Labour voters are anti immigration, and its about time that they wake up to the fact that the "working people" and "fairness for all" that the Labour leadership speak of is the fairness for working people of the WORLD, not just Britain.

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The definition of bigotry includes holding irrational views.


I would suggest it is irrational to ask:


"All these Eastern Europeans, where are they flocking from?"


If I had been having that exact conversation with Duffy, I would have come away thinking exactly the same thing too.




She was a woman who, in the midst of talking about benefits and the economy, suddenly said:




“You can’t say anything about the immigrants…all these Eastern Europeans what are coming in – where are they flocking from?”


So, she's:


Linking Eastern Europeans with benefit fraud.



Using prejorative terms usually used for animals about Eastern Europeans.


Asking a pretty dumb question about where they come from.



She's a bigot.

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How's the BNP campaign going then ret? They hardly seem to be registering in the polls?:hihi:


I've no idea, i've as much interest as watching Wednesday, how are the sinking ships, you'll be able to wear one on each foot as they slip below the waves, dont forget to stand on the bows shouting Gorgon.

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