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Gordon Brown's mask slips "she's a very bigoted woman"

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Apologies if these points have already been made.


Surely a different spin on Brown`s recorded words (being nice to someone when you don`t feel like being so) hypocrisy or social skill ? I speak as someone who hasn`t really got that particular social skill.......


What is it they say, those without sin throw the first stone. I cannot believe that Cameron and Clegg, and every other person in the world come to that, never say things about people once they`ve left that they didn`t say to their face.


The person to blame for this is surely the aid who was supposed to be looking out for Brown, media wise. He want`s sacking.


I saw the headline in the Express (I didn`t buy it, obviously) screaming how Brown has "shamed the nation", and made a "grovelling apology". How often are apologies not grovelling but we`ll move on.

This reminds me of those ridiculous attacks on Brown over that hand written note to that mother of a fallen soldier.


I`m not a natural Labour voter, I own my own business, but if papers like that are trying to make me do something, I`ll do the opposite thanks.

I`m definitely voting Labour now.

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While I don't condon what Gordon Brown said, I can't help thinking that all this fuss created by his political opponents is a bit rich.

Don't tell me that leaders of other parties have never called people who have given them a hard time, various names much worse than a bigot.

They must be thinking " there but for the grace of God go I ".

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The slow, sad realisation that the political culture in the UK is such that no politician has any choice but to grovel to the bigots. Because standing up and explaining to them instead that immigrants make a massive contribution to the economy, let alone that all people deserve to be treated with dignity and respect regardless of nationality, citizenship or contribution, would be political suicide.

And finally a profound sense of isolation, hurt, and being alone. Tears and huge heaving sobs. I’ve not cried like that in about five years.

That’s how Gillian Duffy has made me feel today. What did I ever do to her?”


That is why Gillian Duffy is a bigot.



Gordon Brown was right.



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Using prejorative terms usually used for animals about Eastern Europeans
I sometimes despair about the English education given to people. How can a term used to describe a popular event, as well as sheep or birds, suddenly be perjorative? People flock to the coast on Bank Holiday weekends, they flock to a funfair, birds of a feather flock together, a flock of sheep is a lovely sight. How is that perjorative?


As for your preferred term "swarming", that's what insects do ... wasps swarm .... flies swarm over rotten meat, yuck! I think you got the animal idea from that newspaper article written by an uneducated bigot. I don't remember which one, but he was obviously a mate of that three-faced hypocrite Brown.


Brown, smarms round someone he considers a bigot, when he had absolutely no need to, slags her off behind her back, and then, uninvited, goes to apologise for it, when she said she didn't want him to. What a hypocrite! How could we ever believe anything he says ever again, and how are other politicians expected to believe anything he says either? He's finished and deservedly so.

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I sometimes despair about the English education given to people. How can a term used to describe a popular event, as well as sheep or birds, suddenly be perjorative?


Using animal terms to refer to people is a long-standing tactic of those who want to dehumanise and degrade people.


The Germans did it with the jews, calling them "untermensch" and "rats".



(I just bet some idiot will claim I'm comparing Duffy to Nazis now!)

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The slow, sad realisation that the political culture in the UK is such that no politician has any choice but to grovel to the bigots. Because standing up and explaining to them instead that immigrants make a massive contribution to the economy, let alone that all people deserve to be treated with dignity and respect regardless of nationality, citizenship or contribution, would be political suicide.

And finally a profound sense of isolation, hurt, and being alone. Tears and huge heaving sobs. I’ve not cried like that in about five years.

That’s how Gillian Duffy has made me feel today. What did I ever do to her?”


That is why Gillian Duffy is a bigot.



Gordon Brown was right.




THAT is the biggest load of balls i have read in a long time!!!


The slow, sad realisation that the political culture in the UK is such that no politician has any choice but to grovel to the bigots.

More like:


The slow, sad realisation that the political culture in the UK is such that no person has any choice but to accept the mass immigration being imposed on us.


Because standing up and explaining to them instead that immigrants make a massive contribution to the economy, let alone that all people deserve to be treated with dignity and respect regardless of nationality, citizenship or contribution, would be political suicide.


More like:


Because standing up and speaking out against immigration is political suicide

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Using animal terms to refer to people is a long-standing tactic of those who want to dehumanise and degrade people.


The Germans did it with the jews, calling them "untermensch" and "rats".


"Flocking" is just a figure of speech, stop going over the top about it.

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But as I said before I doubt that the country would tolerate a second unelected Prime Minister who stepped in after an election.


You seem to close your eyes to the possibility that Clegg could become PM. I don't say it is probable but it certainly is a 7/1 possibility.


It's not probable, and 7/1 even in a 3 horse race is not a value bet.


But hey if you really think that Clegg has a fair chance of becoming PM then I would go with BetFair, they are offering perhaps more realistic odds of 40/1!



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