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Gordon Brown's mask slips "she's a very bigoted woman"

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Blimey spindrift, she only went out for a loaf of bread


You've dissected what she said as if she'd had an army of writers, spin doctors, linguists and policy makers minders plotting her every word.


You know what they say about retrospect and hindsight don't you? It's the wisdom of fools.

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Using animal terms to refer to people is a long-standing tactic of those who want to dehumanise and degrade people.

The Germans did it with the jews, calling them "untermensch" and "rats".

You're off your rocker, really. Take a chill pill or a reality check or something. You're trembling on the edge of a Godwin here :hihi:


You'll be comparng poor innocent Mrs Duffy with Eva Braun next! She'll be starring in an episode of 'Downfall' on YouTube tomorrow at this rate :D


ETA: and your spelling is not so terribly superior, you can't spell 'perjorative' ;)

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Sun fails to publish results of poll which found 50% of people said they did not think worse of the PM for his 'bigot' remark.



An opinion poll for the Sun has found more people thought none the worse of Gordon Brown for describing a Labour voter as a "bigoted woman", than believed he was a hypocrite – but the newspaper decided not to publish the figures.



(There are too now many Polls in this country, putting a strain on our scarce national resources. We have allowed Too Many into Our Country and I think they should all be forced to go back to Poll-land.)

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Sun fails to publish results of poll which found 50% of people said they did not think worse of the PM for his 'bigot' remark.



An opinion poll for the Sun has found more people thought none the worse of Gordon Brown for describing a Labour voter as a "bigoted woman", than believed he was a hypocrite – but the newspaper decided not to publish the figures.


I don't think it's what he said , it's where it was said, it would be like a politician going around kissing babies, then getting into the car and saying, God! that last kid was ugly :gag::hihi:

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Can someone confirm weather the following is true or not?


So long as they return home within a year, the Poles get back all the tax they've paid in a lump sum to take home with them.

Everyone who works less than a year gets their tax back, don't they? But we're not allowed to go off topic, all the tax/benefit/child allowance posts were removed last night.


Stick to the topic of the hypocrisy of Brown. Wanna talk tax etc, start a thread about it.

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Sun fails to publish results of poll which found 50% of people said they did not think worse of the PM for his 'bigot' remark.



An opinion poll for the Sun has found more people thought none the worse of Gordon Brown for describing a Labour voter as a "bigoted woman", than believed he was a hypocrite – but the newspaper decided not to publish the figures.


It's a story whipped into a frenzy by the media.

Notice the media, swamping the home of Gillian Duffy and camping out overnight.

I watch GMT this morning and their "live" on the scene reporter was reporting that they could see no movement within the home of Ms.Duffy this morning.........:rolleyes:


It was 6AM!


I wonder if Ms. Duffy is more upset by Brown or the media circus camping outside her house.


I didn't see too many neighbors or outraged citizens gathering around Ms.Duffy's house.


Channel 4 news has just announced a poll that indicates that nothing has changed despite the "bigot gaffe"

And there is some talk even amongst the media themselves, that it does appear that the general public have viewed the media as rather over milking the incident.

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