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Gordon Brown's mask slips "she's a very bigoted woman"

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Not just about this incident though is it? How can anyone trust anything he says? And an appology makes everything okay does it?


Yes it is. If the "incident" did not happen then there would not be such theatrical drama made out of this.


What GB did yesterday is no different to what most folk people say in day to day life. We are all guilty of it to a degree. If anything it shows even the PM can make a mistake & it goes tits up. But why keep on going on about it. It's happened he can't reverse it. As they say it is yesterdays news. Move on.


Yes, an apology does make it ok if she has accepted it. Which she has.

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Oh you obviously don't mind your elderly relatives being riddled with bed sores and drowning in their own urine, in their care home bed then?


Or having to wait indefinitely for your children to receive hospital or dental treatment?


The thousands of immigrant farm and food production workers who ensure you can go shopping and buy food that is cheaper in real terms than it was 10 years ago?


What about the extremely high quality academics that Britain manages to attract to educate our students in our universities?


Or the Chicken Tikka Masala meal you might go out to enjoy on a Friday, and the Asian taxi driver that gets you home safely after it?


Where would British sport be without immigrants and the children of immigrants?


To say your against immigration without qualification is to cut off a nose to spite a face.


Well said but you will still find some hag trying to moan/dispute what you have said.

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No disrespect intended, but the debate has been on TV between Brown, Cameron and Clegg and you lot are bickering about some old bat in Rochdale!!!:roll:;)


Thank you! I would not call her an old bat though. Old yes, moaning yes, typical Brit yes, :hihi: oOOoopsy.

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No disrespect intended, but the debate has been on TV between Brown, Cameron and Clegg and you lot are bickering about some old bat in Rochdale!!!:roll:;)


Bet that was interesting:rolleyes: i've been busy watching some paint dry so luckily missed it.

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I think you've misread my post, im saying that if the welfare system WASN'T so generous.........


Yep. Really generous. I can live like a king on my £60 a week - said the pauper to the rich man.


Blooming generous my left spherical. And way off topic.


Just don't mention the i-word or you will be branded a bigot, ignorant and possibly even a BNP supporter.

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