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Gordon Brown's mask slips "she's a very bigoted woman"

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Oh you obviously don't mind your elderly relatives being riddled with bed sores and drowning in their own urine, in their care home bed then?


Or having to wait indefinitely for your children to receive hospital or dental treatment?


The thousands of immigrant farm and food production workers who ensure you can go shopping and buy food that is cheaper in real terms than it was 10 years ago?


What about the extremely high quality academics that Britain manages to attract to educate our students in our universities?


Or the Chicken Tikka Masala meal you might go out to enjoy on a Friday, and the Asian taxi driver that gets you home safely after it?


Where would British sport be without immigrants and the children of immigrants?


To say your against immigration without qualification is to cut off a nose to spite a face.

We managed before mass immigration and we would manage again if we had to.All immigration has done is soak up the jobs that Brits do not want to do anymore because of over generous benefits or because so many are wasting time in further education that leads to nowhere in lots of cases.You can bet a lot of the Chinese driving around Beijing in their new Mercedes,have not sat around waiting for the right job offer to turn up,neither will they have spent years at some university in most cases.
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Well we're not gonna get any change from laissez faire from the Tories. It will be far,far worse. Best hope remains Labour.


Sorry mate I'm afraid it's the Tories for me! I think there is no hope in voting Labour. They are just a bunch of lefty idiots toying with peoples lives! Look what happens when they are let loose with REAL people!!!

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Sorry mate I'm afraid it's the Tories for me! I think there is no hope in voting Labour. They are just a bunch of lefty idiots toying with peoples lives! Look what happens when they are let loose with REAL people!!!



Hope you're still saying that when you get your P45.:help:

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It's usually the other way round, suppose there's alway's gonna be the odd exception!


Started new job & have had 2 rounds of redundancies again under Labour & managed to hang in there by the skin of my teeth!


In my line of work their policies seem to do me no favours!


Perhaps I should try a career move as a spin doctor.....seems to be loads of work in that field! :hihi:

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I am not sure whether we should pander to minority views,


You mean majority views?


and if we should the extent to which we should. To keep things in perspective, my earlier figures show we already have lower levels of immigration than comparators like france, germany, USA, Canada, Australia etc.


Soooooo whaaaatttt??? immigration into THIS country is my main concern.


In my opinion we already pander too much to the vocal minority,


:hihi::hihi::hihi: your taking the mick now arn't you?! :hihi:


the way to address the vocal minority is to enforce better rules we have on media coverage being fair and unbiassed. The Polish federation won a case against the Daily Mail a year or so ago against their consistent negative stereotyping of poles and immigrants, the IPCC however is toothless and largely allows the tabloids and the interests they represent to unfairly influence public opinion with spreading myths and outright lies on the matter in opposition to the wealth of academic research.

If there is any way in which there should be a reaction to these concerns the sensible approach is to address the causes, and they are not immigration or the facts underlying them but the biassed news coverage that is set by the tabloid owners and unfortunately followed by the rest of the media.


What about the BBC getting some of the most dozy English dingbats they could find and comparing them to those hardworking Poles?

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Started new job & have had 2 rounds of redundancies again under Labour & managed to hang in there by the skin of my teeth!


In my line of work their policies seem to do me no favours!


Perhaps I should try a career move as a spin doctor.....seems to be loads of work in that field! :hihi:


There are more than 3/4 million more people out of work now than there were when Labour came into office.


There were 225,000 redundancies in the three months to the end of November2009, which is the highest level ever recorded in the UK. ALL UNDER A LABOUR GOVERNMENT

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What about the BBC getting some of the most dozy English dingbats they could find and comparing them to those hardworking Poles?


It may not have been a rigorously researched programme, but where were the hardworking English prior to the programme being made?


How come Polish workers who were having to travel thousands of miles, getting to the front of the job queue ahead of local people who only had to get on a bus to get an interview?

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