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Gordon Brown's mask slips "she's a very bigoted woman"

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Im sure all politicians have private views of the people they meet, just like we all do.


The mistake Brown made was to be indiscreet about his, which is a serious error of judgement for a man in his position.

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To be fair on Gordon (and its the only time I ever will) I know a few people in Rochdale and Oldham and areas in-between the two, and the thing they go on most about are the large influx of foreigners coming to the town.


I don't know the full facts, so I just assume they're being bigoted!

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It speaks volumes for what most people already know about Gordon Brown. He will say what the people want to hear in public, but that is completely different for what he intends to do in private.


So when he says we won't increase VAT or cut services, what he means is.. "We will screw the lot of you the day after the election".

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Haven't heard it yet, but atleast Gordy tell's it how it is. Not like smarmy Dave's weasel words!


On the contrary. He doesn't tell it how it is. He said one thing in public and a totally different thing in private.


The words you are looking for is Brown is a 2 faced git.

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