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Gordon Brown's mask slips "she's a very bigoted woman"

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Dear friend, I just didn't think it amusing enough to use it as anything other than a good point to move the discussion on with. :)


But on the topic in hand, isn't it a corker? The staplers and Nokias must be flying. All of us are entitled to our personal opinions but this affair shows a flagrant contempt for ordinary people with ordinary issues as well as highlighting Browns inability to function as a PM.


He and his authoritarian we-know-best party have to go.


On this I sincerely agree.

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On the contrary. He doesn't tell it how it is. He said one thing in public and a totally different thing in private.


The words you are looking for is Brown is a 2 faced git.


No, the word you are looking for to describe Brown is "politician".


Anybody who actually believes that any politician wouldn't say one thing in public and a totally different thing in private is naive to the point of imbecility.


Surely you remember the old joke?


"How can you tell when a politician is lying?"


"He opens his mouth and speaks."


Brown was unlucky to get caught with his mic on, I'll bet t'others will be frantically checking they're not still broadcasting before they open their mouths in private!

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I am I the only one who noticed,how he tried to shift the blame to members of his entourage, looking at him on the TV news he looked liked someone who is nearing the end of his tether,remember one little detail if any of you have any views on immigration, be they Eastern European or any other others you are now in the eyes of GB a bigot, and in a recent poll 62% of people questioned on election issues put immigration at the top of the list.Makes you think

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Yeah, me too. I would like to have her questions quoted word for word so we can say for ourselves.


they are showing it on the bbc news website, I still think her questions are irrelevant though. What he said was unprofessional and really showed what he thought of someone that would have voted for him. You can also here the spoilt little kid within him

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This thread is not about the bnp or my wife.......


Note - Boyfriday and others - you are Sheffield forums gordon brown ....... Lol


..wasn't about me either, seems you can dish it, but cant take it.


You lower than a snakes belly


You big girl's blouse-a pink, gingham one :hihi:

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I am I the only one who noticed,how he tried to shift the blame to members of his entourage, looking at him on the TV news he looked liked someone who is nearing the end of his tether,remember one little detail if any of you have any views on immigration, be they Eastern European or any other others you are now in the eyes of GB a bigot, and in a recent poll 62% of people questioned on election issues put immigration at the top of the list.Makes you think


And he blatantly ignored her when she congratulated on improvements in the education system in rochdale.

After trying to keep the issue of immigration off the debating table led gordon brown to behave the way he did.

mention the immigration word and he lose's all composure. If I was gordon I would have at least thanked her for the praise of improvements to education ! He was so flustered with the mention of immigration that he could not wait to get away and missed the opportunity to end his encounter on a positive note.


He is not fit to govern.

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